Monday, September 22nd, 2003: Perhaps a Biscuit Instead?

A Couch to Call MEIN FUHRER!
09/22/03 01:22:06 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Finally got my couch today. They were only late delivering it by a day and 30 minutes, but it's here. Moved all my living room furniture and tv around so I can sit (or lie! It's versatile!) on the couch and watch tv. With all the times I get too tired to stay at the computer but not tired enough to go to bed, I think the couch and I will get along juuust fine.


You'll Just Fall Asleep Anyway
09/22/03 02:39:38 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

So, seeing dastardly hurricane Isabel do no damage whatsoever, the people I so adore at Comcast decided to cut off service for the entire extended weekend (from Thursday to Sunday), keeping me away from my beloved internet. Instead I ended up watching a large number of DVDs. Another disc worth of Futurama fell before me, as did five of six discs from the first season of Angel. I'd forgotten how truly good season one had been. I also still wonder as to what went on behind the scenes that cause Glenn Quinn to choose to or be asked to leave the show.

Other than that, I cleaned up the apartment and did a bit of writing. As often happens, I wasn't especially happy with a good chunk of the writing; I ended up trashing about half of it, and the other half is going to see some rewrites. As this writing is for a collaborative project, one of these days I'm going to have to stop fiddling and actually turn things over to Justin so that we might actually see things realized. While I can manage to turn out scripts at a reasonable pace for this comic, and suppress my perfectionist tendencies, it's definitely not the norm for me. I often have this habit of making changes and revisions up until somebody takes the pen away from me; a lack of a deadline has the unfortunate consequence of meaning I may never consider myself done.

Anyway, today was happy fun raise day at work, so I'm going to stop dwelling on things and go back to being happy again. Ta!


A Day of His Own
09/23/03 11:58:15 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: flying
I'm going on a retreat (well, to help host it) Wednesday, so Matt gets to do Friday's comic by himself! Power up the perfectionism and make a super comic, Matt! ;D

We're going to some lodge or something near Albany, GA, and I'll have to wake up all early and stuff for a couple days, blah. I hope my PDA's batteries hold out. Though... I guess I'll be pretty busy setting up and unsetting up and doing stuff in between.


Hey Now
09/23/03 01:57:17 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

I do believe that I said that this comic is devoted to anything other than perfection! :-p So by 'help host it' you mean 'provide physical labor', right? Because if you're going to be making presentations or something I fear for all those involved. ;-[

Why yes, I am using this as an ICQ substitute. Thanks for asking!


09/23/03 02:28:30 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Yeah, I'm not presenting anything, but I'm part of the between-rounds computation engine which runs the numbers for Simsoc! I guess I am also supposed to keep all the rules of the game in my giant brain for quick recall.

It's like ICQ, but public. And with voting!


09/23/03 04:09:27 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

So it's like a giant simulated soccer conference or something? Maybe you should take pictures -- sounds like a much dorkier version of QuakeCon (which isn't dorky, dammit!) or something. I hope you're at least getting a nice fat per diem?

Bah, have to go to my ever so boring class now...


(Georgia Vetrans' State Park... or something)
09/25/03 10:41:37 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Hooray for ethernet in the rooms! I didn't bring a computer, but I had to stay and put pictures of the events of last night and today in a powerpoint presentation for our last bit of our final presentation tomorrow.

Can't type too long, as the boss wants her computer back, but... Wow, we're almost in the top 150 on buzzcomix, and (almost) nobody's read our comic yet :)

Couldn't sleep for periods longer than an hour last night (or probably tonight) as the A/C turns on and it's extremely loud. I'm quite exhausted and will probably turn in after giving the computer back to the boss lady. I was the only one with a verizon phone, and thus the only one with a phone that worked out here (yay, verizon!), so everyone used and abused my poor minutes until my phone decided to stand up to them and murder its battery. And I didn't bring my charger or spare battery as it can normally last 3 days with the light load I put on it. Owel, I guess I'm not missing much anyway, but I told my parents I'd call them back earlier. Guess I'll just email them...
