Monday, July 21st, 2003: Mayor Mike Haggar Day #1

Past to the Future
07/21/03 12:02:35 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: big-headed
Yes, we've become a sprite comic! Time to get listed on the Top 100 webcomics list!

...Ok, so it's just another Dead Justin Day, but it's hilarious, I swear!

Oh, well... I guess you just had to be there... in 1999. Damn kids. OMM used to have these games, like Final Fight: Stratego where you could win by either punching a guy to death before he punched you to death, or you could harvest enough meat to build a phone booth without the bad guy punching you to death. There was also a dog who gave hints. Now, since that game hasn't been available for years, I was thinking about doing a remake... But then I decided that'd be crazy, so I think that just means I'll do something crazier later.

I received Matt's copy of Deus Ex in the mail this weekend. Played it a couple hours, but I keep getting shot to death on the first level. My sneaking abilities are the suck, I guess.


Kernel Popping
07/21/03 10:35:21 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
I've been trying to upgrade the kernel on my slackware box from 2.4.20 to 2.5.75 (and lately, to 2.6.0-test1) but the resulting kernel was always unable to load any modules, so I tried 2.4.21 and that worked fine... *shrug*


07/21/03 03:58:35 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
You have retreated too far into the realm of fantasy and have forgotten that I did not in fact expire in the shower. Damn Elftor and his links...

Oh, I found that there apparently ARE some new module loading utilities that one needs to install to upgrade to the 2.5/2.6 kernel...


07/23/03 11:02:10 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I'm pretty sure I need to buy this.


Yay for Verizon :-|
07/23/03 11:03:28 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Even after a PRL update I've been having issues with my cell phone intermittently spazzing while inside of my apartment (though not as bad as it had been), so I decided I needed to get a land line. This entailed calling Verizon, which... could have been more pleasant.

  • Call 1: It's in spanish. My spanish isn't great, but I cn more or less follow what the automated system is saying, and it's not giving me an option for english. I hang up and try again.
  • Call 2: It's in spanish again. Joy.
  • Call 3: English! Interestingly enough, the english line gives you the option to switch to spanish. Why didn't the spanish line give the option to switch to english then? Hmm... there's a small problem now. It's not recognizing any of my keypresses, making navigating the menu system impossible.
  • Call 4: English again. I think my luck might be holding. Get all the way through the menu system, and it just drops the call immediately.
  • Call 5: Just like call 4, but it told me call volume was high before dropping the call.
  • Call 6: Identical to call 5.
  • Call 7: I finally get through to a real person after a long time on hold. I'm told that despite the fact that I have a current, active account with them (since I'm waiting on the final bill at the old place so I can pay it), since I chose to disconnect service I'll have to start all over again with a new account. Which means a credit check, despite the fact that I'm still a customer in good standing with them! It also means a new number, but that doesn't really bother me (I certainly hope I'll stop getting calls for the Rosens now...).

Anyway, in conclusion, I still can't stand Verizon. But they're cheaper than AT&T local service, which forces you to get a bunch of features you (read: I) don't want. Hopefully this line will actually work straight away (the last one required two service calls before it worked in the first place) and they'll have it activated at the time they promised (by tomorrow morning). My goal is simply to be able to talk on the phone and still be able to hear the other person (instead of digital noise) if I tilt my head the wrong way, and I'm hoping Verizon can at least manage that.


07/23/03 03:05:03 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

So much for my plan to wear a "Much funnier than Penny Arcade" DrF t-shirt to the web comics panel at Otakon...


Oh ****! Oh ****!
07/23/03 03:08:10 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
Whoa, had to do some googling to find out why that wizard hat shirt could possibly be funny... almost exploded with laughter at work when reading the 3rd "chat"... Just barely kept it in, though a little is leaking out as I type. I'd make a link for our other reader(s), but I had to close the browser to keep myself from the dire fate of exploditus.

P-A not coming to town so we can taunt them with our unknowningness: Awww...


07/24/03 01:55:18 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Finally got my home theater gear set up tonight. This is the first time I've had a surround sound setup going, and I have to say I dig it. It still needs a bit of tweaking (I'd like to send more bass to the fronts given that I have forgone a sub, and I know they can handle it), but the lobby scene through the helicopter crash in the Matrix (always a nice sequence to test and/or show off) was just outstanding. Anyway, it's now well past my bedtime, so g'night kiddies!


07/24/03 10:11:44 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
NSFW Chewbacca comics from SomethingAwful!


Dear Justin,
07/24/03 10:34:14 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

The term is NWS, you dolt.


07/24/03 10:35:04 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

How fucking hard is it to turn on a goddamn phone line? This is the second line I've ordered from you, and this is the second line you mental giants have fucked up. But that's okay, it's not like there's anyone I'd want to call anyone or anything. :-/ You stupid fucks.


07/24/03 11:33:50 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Umm, so, in order to get a dial tone I first had to call my own number? Then it would ring, and then there'd be a dial tone. That certainly is an interesting way to do things, Verizon. (It would have been more interesting had you told me that that might work, instead of me just randomly trying things...)
