Friday, June 20th, 2003: The Pope Hat Saga, Part 2

Holy Poop Gas, Batman!
06/19/03 09:40:32 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking-with-gas
Matt didn't respond to my gentle promptings to toss me a script, so I had to generate my own. I'm pretty sure he was going in this direction, but who knows... Anyway, I've gotta go pack, so I can move this weekend. I also need to get some good sleep in, since I've been too tired to concentrate on anything at work, and I really, really need to do stuff.


This wasn't what I wanted at all!
06/19/03 11:09:34 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

I couldn't respond to promptings I never received! That I would be at work until 11pm once more shouldn't really come as much shock, seeing as how I've been griping about the OS upgrade continuing to not work. (On the plus side, I have gained some small amount of insight into what might be going wrong after tonight's failed attempt, and I'm taking tomorrow the hell off.)


Whoa, that's early!
06/20/03 01:56:09 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Well, I thought it wasn't coming out until July, but Right Stuf claims to have shipped my Maison Ikkoku box set 1 today. Good thing I didn't push back moving into my apartment by another week (I had it shipped there). Now, let's hope my DNA2 box and Nadesico manga don't ship until I can get Right Stuf to fix their prices. I used the cpmsupersale coupon, but the system conveniently forgot to take the 40% and 33% off. I emailed customer service, but they basically emailed me back an invoice with the same prices on it, so I emailed them again, clarifying the problem (yesterday), and they haven't emailed me back yet. Hopefully they'll either fix it or cancel it soon, so I can at least try again before the coupon expires sunday.


06/20/03 02:35:44 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
They wrote back that the order is on hold because the shipping address and billing addresses are different, so they can't do anything until I call them... They called ME about the Maison Ikkoku order! *sigh* I guess I'll just call them now... Or wait till monday and cancel the order. Yeah, I think that's the better way.

Owel, will have to change my CC address info soon enough, then I can order the KareKano box set (when the coupons bode well)!


You Heard Me
06/20/03 09:01:35 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos
Where the frell is my Farscape?!


Signing off...
06/21/03 12:12:33 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: big-headed
Welp, gonna be moving Saturday, and there's no broadband waiting for me, so it'll be kind of impossible to get monday's comic script, draw it, and post it. I guess you'll just have to enjoy another amazing PGA day!


Umm, great.
06/21/03 06:04:49 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Thanks for, like, warning me in advance you'd have no net access once you got to the new place. That was really, umm, nice of you.

Also, I want an ftp login or a shell login (or preferrably both) or something! It's very annoying to have no access to anything. (Where the fuck do files uploaded with the 'rants' option end up, anyway?)
