Friday, January 27th, 2006
Gay Monkeys Have Rights Too, You Know
regolith Did a gay monkey design this theme?
01/27/06 01:33:20 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
Surprise! It's finished, only 7 months after I started it, but the power of having ads for the comic placed on Google has compelled me to update the theme! Sure it's only been two and a half years since we got the last theme, but maybe it's good to update our look once in a while. :D

Now, the theme isn't yet spread over the other pages on the site (archive, about)... So don't get all up in my hizzy about it. We'll get there.

Note, the vote button is in the upper-right, now, instead of in my links section. Maybe I'll need to find a more in-your-hizzy spot for it, but I like it for now.


apon My Day
01/27/06 07:30:16 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Why is it illegal to kill people? So many of them so richly deserve it. I wasted my entire day at work trying to find and fix a problem that was apparently imagined by the person who reported it. I come home and find some asshole has planted two ugly as hell shrubs behind my porch. I wasn't asked if I wanted this (I don't, they're in the way if I need to bring something in from the car), and i wasn't advised it would be happening. Get the mail to find a game I ordered a couple of months ago had finally arrived; but the postman wedged it in the box in such a way that the case is destoryed and it's debatable whether the game will work. I also found a card saying there was a package in the office (thanks for cramming then buddy), and head over to pick it up. The office closes at 6pm, it's 5:30pm, but apparently the lazy bitches decided they were taking an early Friday, because everything's locked up and it's pitch black in there.

Also, just to be clear, in the script that I wrote the monkey did not have a specific sexual orientation. And he wasn't humping anybody.


regolith Moved!
01/29/06 03:26:16 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking-with-gas
Gearhost, HostingMatters, and now DreamHost. DrF has changed hosting providers again, and it's so awesome.


Welp, now that we have 20 gigs of space, we need to do larger-format comics!


regolith Hey, dudes
01/30/06 01:10:29 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Sorry the comic'll be late today. I should be able to get to it tonight, though, so it shouldn't have to time-travel. I had to get out of the house for a bit last night, so I went to see Capote. I don't think I was really qualified to watch it, but I thought it was very good, anyway. Makes me want to actually read one of his books. ^_^;; Think I'll start with Breakfast at Tiffany's
