Monday, May 31st, 2004: The Science is Impeccable

Vacation Time
05/31/04 12:58:46 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
Come Wednesday, I'll be flying down to Orlando for a week to party with the parents! Meh... Anyway, hopefully I'll get some relaxation in and you all will get a couple PGA days... or maybe reverse writer/artist days like the last time I went on vacation...


Let's face it -- Al Gore and Roland Emmerich are an unstoppable movie-making duo!
05/31/04 05:25:45 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

This film could prove to be interesting. Hopefully, unlike some other films, it will actually live up to the name documentary.

On the topic of the comic, well, I guess it's kind of obvious. Not necessarily good, but obvious. My original draft sucked less, but it was long and had more art, so I scrapped it (since the artist would have just revolted anyway). Still, you can't blame me for what is possibly the worst rendition of old man winter on record. Also, since it may not be clear from the text, you should be aware that the guy on the right is supposed to be sleeping...


The actual worst rendition of old man winter on record...
06/01/04 12:31:16 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal

Worst rendition of old man winter on record

A Google Image Search would have me believe that old man winter is a disembodied head which spews icy winds. Hah! I know that he's really an unshaven hobo wearing a sackcloth shift. His freezing ability comes from poor circulation in his hands! HIS TERRIBLE HANDS!

As for Green Shirt Guy being asleep, isn't it obvious? His eyes ARE closed, after all... Maybe it's because he's standing up? Allow me to use the <cite> tag: *a &b standing around, b is asleep* ...Maybe he should've had Zs coming out of his head or something :)


Maybe he should've had Zs coming out of his head or something
06/01/04 09:30:48 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

*ding* *ding* *ding*

I will endevour to be both more specific (Z's) and less specific (standing) in the future.


Bye, Michael
06/03/04 09:38:09 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

I keep waiting for somebody to pop up and say they've got space boots and tell me to suck it. I guess that's not going to happen.

I didn't know Michael all that well, just had a few brief conversations with him via email. But he was a big inspiration for this site turning out the way it did, and he was always a decent guy.

Anyway, you should go check out Marvelous Bob. Part of me still wants to think that this is all a big publicity stunt to get more people to read it. But that doesn't seem very likely.


Friday's Comic Will Be Delayed
06/04/04 06:58:45 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

You know that thing Justin said about writing the script and me doing the art? No script was delivered. I'll do either a regular comic or a PGA day later today, probably after work. Sorry about that.


...For a long time
06/06/04 04:23:09 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Sorry, been busy building and testing my new htpc this weekend, so I haven't had a chance to do Friday's comic yet. Hopefully I'll find time to come up with something for both Friday and Monday sometime this evening. Haven't heard a peep from Justin, so I guess I'm going to be doing these completely on my own.


I'm baaaack!
06/08/04 05:50:37 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Hmm, I figured that something crazy would have gone up since I couldn't get to an internet terminal, and I didn't really get any ideas for stuff about pirates to tell Matt over the phone. Maybe "not talk to Matt" -> "get comic" doesn't really make sense, but... it should!

Anyway, I tried to go to the viewing of Michael's body while I was in Orlando, but the map on Cowkitty's LJ page was totally misleading, so I never found it. But, I guess the obit and the fact that at least one person on LJ seems to have gone to his funeral indicates that he really is dead, so... I guess I'm forced to believe it... someday.

Anyway, I got my R&R and astronaut ice cream, and you all got squat! Of course, we probably had no visitors to receive the squat anyway, but someone must've gotten it, even if it was Google. So... welcome back.


...and then gone again
06/09/04 03:42:38 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

The scripts are in Justin's hot little hands, and I thought he had indicated at least one comic would rise from its grave last night, but I guess you're just going to have to hold on for a little longer...
