Monday, February 16th, 2004: So Now There's a Liquor Store

Completely Original Dialog
02/15/04 10:58:01 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I'd like to thank Willie Nelson and the academy!


02/15/04 11:17:26 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: big-headed
so I worked darn late friday, and rested saturday, and now I'm working late again sunday. probably will work pretty late on monday, but maybe i will have solved some of my problems in the past and only neglected to remember how to activate the solutions. I will have to get down in there and tinker, though, and that takes time. also, I have to set up 4 computers, but I could leave the 3 clients for when I actually get to augusta, as it's not too hard to set up a windows user and his homepage.

anyway, matt, matt's brother, patrick and I are hoping to play NWN:Hordes of the Underdark after I get back. Maybe I'll be able to take some comp time off and play late... but I guess nobody else would have comp time, we couldn't all play late. owel, I just need a damn rest, damnit! :D


werkin part 2
02/16/04 04:23:49 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
Worked until 1:30am on Sunday. Told the sales guys I'd be done by 1am tonight to be ready for tomorrow, and they didn't like that for some reason, so they acted all dissappointed and told the client we'd be coming down on thursday. They hadn't even received confirmation that this person would be there on tuesday, so I'm wondering where these dates are coming from. Anyway, I get to go to sleep at a normal time tonight, and Matt gets to paste another space ghost script into photoshop for friday (or he can give me a script tonight/tomorrow/wed)... I guess it means any SotU action will have to move up to mon/tue or back to sat/sun.


Broken Links
02/17/04 09:48:49 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Is it just a hosed proxy at my work, or are Justin's links not showing up at the bottom of the page anymore?


02/17/04 09:01:00 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
I have restored my links... which were missing somehow. *shrug* maybe caused by the slow slow internet connection we had at work yesterday. actually, it's still slow... wish we had some kind of b/w meter to see whether the problem lies with us or bellsouth...
