Monday, July 18th, 2005: What Happened To My Internet Connection?

Happy Birthday, Matt!
07/18/05 02:37:39 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
For his birthday, Matt has gotten poor service from Comcast! (Though they give that to everybody, I don't know why he's so happy about it)

I didn't get to the post office on time Saturday, so I'll have to send his package out today... oopsie!

Also, check out the Perry Bible Fellowship link in my links section (after voting for us!) for the pure, sadistic humor and good drawingness that I wish I could put into a comic. :)


Work Completed
07/21/05 04:25:48 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking
So... by "today" I obviously meant Thursday, which makes sense, because it IS today! Anyway, Matt's present is finally in the media mail, and... Now I guess I owe him some kind of present for MY birthday. Heh. That doesn't make sense.
