Monday, December 8th, 2003: Get the US Out of the UN and Get the UN Out of the US

They've Got Legs! Damnit!
12/07/03 10:55:08 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
Matt finally forced me to draw legs for the characters, so one could stand on the other's head. A turns out to be a little taller than B. Who knew? I might have to adjust A's eyes downward slightly, now.

Not much special going on a work, though because of deadlines for the pilot we're working on, I've had to do random stuff that is unrelated to the shopping catalog thing I have to finish sometime this year.

One of the other IT guy's sisters goes to DeVry and she's got some project thing where she and her friend have to help a company do some IT thing. So... we're having them do the inventory tracking part of my catalog thing. In MS Access (cuz they don't know sql, I guess). *shudder* Bah, I just want a couple weeks to do this thing with no interruptions...

Oh, yeah. Vote for us, and we'll keep making comics. If you don't vote for us, we'll KEEP MAKING COMICS to spite you!


Oh, yeah.
12/08/03 12:06:42 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
My foolish attempts to learn flash continue, unabated. I learned how to do sound today, but I guess I'll do something using that knowledge next time.


Madness! Simply Madness!
12/10/03 12:45:46 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
The lipsynching bug bit me after I watched the finale of Battlestar Galactica on SciFi. Hopefully suprnova will start working again soon, so I can download the ep of 24 that I missed... Anyway, here's Captain Murphy's impression of Space Ghost:


12/10/03 07:29:28 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

So, umm, say someone chooses UPS Select for the shipping method for an order. Then let's say you charge them for UPS Select shipping. Wouldn't you, as a reasonable person, then send the item via UPS Select? Well not! Nope, they'll go ahead and send it by ultra-slow USPS, just to make sure you aren't going to get it in time. Thanks a lot, you stupid fucks.


Stupid, little things...
12/10/03 11:59:37 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

...make me happy. And I'm okay with that. The day is suddenly much nicer.


Silly Grad School, Prereqs are for Kids
12/11/03 04:12:07 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Got a call from somebody in the advisor's office at JHU this afternoon. Seems that they were concerned about my blatent disregard for prerequisites in the two classes I signed up for. Jeez, I thought these people were in it for the money; what's the problem?

In the case of the first course, I think the fact that I work on programs that have in the tens of thousands of lines of Java code probably qualifies as "significant Java experience," don't you? This aside from the fact that the course listed as a prereq covers a smallish subset of the concepts I actively deal with in that aforementioned Java code on a day to day basis. At one point in the conversation I was almost tempted to offer, with the appropriate level of vitriol, that my boss write me a note excusing me from having to take the silly lower level class.

In the case of the second course, the prerequisite was the ever popular 'Object-Oriented Analysis and Design'. Well, let's see... Hey! There's a course with almost that exact name on my undergraduate transcript! Do you think that maybe, just maybe, I already know how to do this stuff? Nah. And clearly the large Java programs I mentioned that I'm responsible for earlier were created completely without using OO methodolodies. It's not like Java is an OO language or anything. I might have mentioned the fact that I was a large contributor to the OO (re)design of several components of a major FAA system (including formal UML documents and the like), but I was interrupted. You see, I haven't had the AI course yet, either. Well, that's on the mark. There's just one problem -- AI isn't a prerequisite for this class. AI concepts aren't mentioned in the description for the class. But it is called 'Knowledge Engineering and Cognitive Modeling Structure', so I think there's a pretty good chance that the cognitive science course listed on my transcript would give me plenty of background. Just maybe.

Ultimately they relented, informing me that "to be forewarned is to be forearmed." Really? Thanks for your deep insight. Because I'm some doddering ignoramus who's too stupid to realize his own abilities and limitations. *sigh* Man, I really miss the way Tech did things -- online registration and no such thing as prerequisites.
