Monday, September 29th, 2003: Pay Your Own Bills, Dumbass

09/29/03 01:08:49 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
I had paying the bills on my todo list sunday, but I didn't do it... Owel, I guess I'll just stick them in someone else's mailbox and hope they pay them.

I was getting too tired to color the comic or even make a 3rd character, so I mined my rich history of comic art and pulled up the commando! Ah, memories...


Yup, It Happens
09/29/03 07:15:25 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

About a month after I moved in I started getting mail for a certain Mr. Richardson. This gentleman was not the person who had occupeid this apartment before me (I'd already seen a few pieces of junk mail addressed to that individual), and the pieces of mail forwarded here instead of being directly addressed indicated that forwarding had just started. Since I had a contractual arrangement to live here for nearly another year at the time, I was quite confused. After writing 'not at this address' on a volume of mail that far exceeded items actually addressed to me, I finally left a note in my mailbox asking the delivery person not to even put mail addressed to this guy in my box. That's been working pretty well for the past several weeks, thankfully. The whole annoyance was brought back to the forefront yesterday when one of my neighbors was kind enough to drop of an misdelivered piece of mail destined for this address. Naturally, it was addressed to a Richardson. While my inclination was to open it, harvest any information I could for identity theft purposes, and then burn it to ash, instead I merely marked it appropriately and dropped it in the blue mail drop. Maybe next time.

In other matters, I happened to check out one the random comics near us in the BuzzComix rankings, and Konsekai:Swordwaltzer turned out to be pretty damn cool. I've read through the first chapter so far, and I'm really liking it.


It's too bad...
09/29/03 07:56:28 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Bye SD-6. :-(


Top 150!
09/30/03 01:15:15 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

We thank you all for your continued support!

#149 on BuzzComix


Hooray Times Two!
09/30/03 05:06:00 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Hooray for relatives who vote for us!

Hooray for Tokyopop giving TRSI my manga/dvds so TRSI can send them to me!


10/01/03 10:55:58 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
It's a new month, so we need voting! Vote!

Also, check out the new color scheme for bCx... It finally renders correctly in firebird without that news box in the upper-left.


No more go on the microphone
10/02/03 10:19:56 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking
I went to with that little bubble of hope in my heart that DrL might be alive again, and instead of their christmas flash movie, I got:

You're a moron.
Update your bookmark, moron.

And I was punted to penny-arcade... *sob*


Your Link Is Broken...
10/02/03 02:35:54 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

...but at least we can still bask in the glow of Gamer Hotties!
