Monday, September 8th, 2003: Just Like the X-Files, Only Less Jewish

It's The Tick and David Duchovny's Beautiful Love Child!
09/07/03 10:54:27 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

To show your appreciation, you must vote for us over and over again. Well, once per day, anyway. You know you want to. Stop hesitating! Validate our existence! Now, dammit.

So, this weekend was an exciting one. On Friday I apparently fell asleep at around 6:30pm, not waking up until roughly 9:30am Saturday. After that I goofed off and downloaded stuff and watched Princess Nine. Today I goofed off and downloaded stuff and finished watching Princess Nine. It's a really good series, although it has its downsides. Besides the usual reliance on some annoying anime cliches, the show's primary weakness is that it simply isn't long enough. With what amounts to 14 main characters, 26 episodes simply isn't enough time to fully develop each person and their relationships. While the series picks a very good place to end, there are several plot threads that are never resolved. Overall it's an experience worth having, but an imperfect one.

Anyway, it's almost time for the real Adult Swim to start (icky Big O is done), so I shall bid you adieu.


09/08/03 12:16:55 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Well, Top Web Comics is being screwy and not letting me login or see our rating, so here's something Japanese to screw with you and your damnable eyes! (SFW)


09/08/03 03:11:38 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

You might notice, should you try to look at the front page, that TWC's database accessing as a whole seems to be problematic right now. Might explain why you can't log in. :-p

As for your wacky link from Japan, I have been conditioned to assume that all .jp addresses other than CDJapan have a high probability of being NWS (for every one bunny with a pancake on his head, you get 6 hentai flash animations...). Well, actually, CDJapan's old address is NWS now as well. So I'm not looking!

Also, I'm bored even though I have things to do because my brain doesn't want to work and also I guess I'm waiting for a phone call which is very inconvenient because I'd like to finish the thing the phonecall is roadblocking and then leave.


09/08/03 06:45:47 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
For a few minutes I was able to see the top 150 and vote, but I could't see the whole ranking or get to the login page, so my allowable glimmer of hope was crushed. I was also able to vote at that time, amazingly :)

SFW! SFW! Though it's japanese, I said it was safe for work (WS in your crazy acronym language?)... Don't believe me, whatever :p


What Kind of Crazy Planet Are You From?
09/08/03 07:56:40 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Seriously. Who the heck says SFW/NSFW? Everybody, I mean everybody uses WS/NWS. There's even There is no '' because nobody says that!


09/08/03 08:13:35 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: crazy 'Nuff said.


09/09/03 10:34:32 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Top secret satellite launced from Florida... Pass it on...

TWC was up around midnight, but it seems to be down again. What's wrong with them?! Is this some kind of personal attack to make us unable to be popular and take over the world?


Seraphim's Next Rant Topic?
09/09/03 12:56:56 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: big-headed
Dowdy librarian action figure... With Ninja Shushing action!


World-Wide PHP Meltdown???
09/10/03 09:48:19 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
TWC, D+Pad, and Elftor are all screwed up... stupid internet...

P.S. Darn, I was so sure Seraphim would rant about the librarian action figure, but I guess she was distracted by a Maryland comic convention. Maybe next time...


Statistically Optimal Spooky Radio
09/10/03 11:13:45 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking
"What you hear on Eigenradio is the best of the New Music, distilled and de-correlated. One song on Eigenradio is worth at least twenty songs on old radio."

It was slashdotted a couple weeks ago, but is working now... Listen in. It's like WREK radio, but the noise is generated on the fly! (or nearly so) There was a country station dominant a minute ago, then something like a dot-matrix fax machine. Now it's a rap station plus indian music? It shifts every couple of minutes. I think it's creepy.


Best DB Connect Failure Ever
09/10/03 01:34:02 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I don't know about that weird French thing, but Elftor is hilarious even when the site is broken. I would also like to point out that Elftor loves us.

Finally got around to testing out my photo-capable printer this morning for printing an actual photo instead of DVDs, and it creates very pretty prints. Hooray!

My miniDV cam should be showing up sometime today, which should be neat. Soon you will be able to enjoy live-action renditions of all of your favorite DrF comics! The current plan is for us to film them when I visit Atlanta around Xmas time. If all goes well, we may even offer a special edition DVD to meet the insatiable demand of our fans for top quality content!


We'll Miss Ya, Capt. Murphy
09/11/03 02:00:22 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default


May his reward be an everlasting run as a wonderful Adrian Barbobot.


The Best Birthday Present Ever!
09/11/03 02:59:38 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
No, wait... that's the worst... and my birthday's not today, it's tomorrow!
