Friday, August 15th, 2003: Build More Nuclear Plants and We Won't Have This Problem

Lesson Learned
08/15/03 02:34:06 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Selecting a place to get your hair cut based on the fact it's a two minute walk from your apartment may not be the best idea; the idiotic can mess up even the simplest of requests. So I went over to the Hair Cuttery that's right near my apartment, because it was simpler than asking around to find out where there's a good barber around here. My request was simple: My hair is longer in the back than it is in the front, please even it out and take off another quarter inch or so. You would think a professional hair cutting person could manage this simple request, right? Alas, no. My hair is now longer in front than it is in the back, and over an inch shorter than it was before in the back. This means that I'm pretty much forced to wear my hair in a pony tail (not that I didn't anyway), and it's barely shoulder length in the back. I should probably go find someplace reputable to at least even out the front and back, but it looks more or less okay the way it is, so I think I'm going to give it some time to grow out before I take that step. (Did I mention this halfwit who cut my hair didn't even bother to put the part back in it when she was done? *sigh*)


Join the Collective
08/15/03 02:59:40 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
See, this is what happens... You pay $11 for what? So you can come back in a month or two and pay another $11 for them to do the same thing all over again?! I think prevention is key... Get your hair cut just how you like it, then spread toxic chemicals (not too corrosive, not too mild) over your scalp to kill the follicles and halt your hair growth. Problem solved!


08/15/03 03:03:09 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Finally found the comic that the last panel reminded me of...


Maybe They'll Get You This Time
08/15/03 03:23:47 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
More sniper activity near Matt (different state, though).


That's So Cute!
08/16/03 11:57:15 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Up until a brief trip to Target this evening I was under the impression that Daria contained an exagerated view of how inane some teenage females could be. I am sad to say that I was mistaken.


Entertain me, dammit!
08/17/03 02:01:40 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

So bored. *sigh*
