Yes, we've become a sprite comic! Time to get listed on the Top 100 webcomics list!
...Ok, so it's just another Dead Justin Day, but it's hilarious, I swear!
Oh, well... I guess you just had to be there... in 1999. Damn kids. OMM used to have these games, like Final Fight: Stratego where you could win by either punching a guy to death before he punched you to death, or you could harvest enough meat to build a phone booth without the bad guy punching you to death. There was also a dog who gave hints. Now, since that game hasn't been available for years, I was thinking about doing a remake... But then I decided that'd be crazy, so I think that just means I'll do something crazier later.
I received Matt's copy of Deus Ex in the mail this weekend. Played it a couple hours, but I keep getting shot to death on the first level. My sneaking abilities are the suck, I guess.