Monday, June 16th, 2003: The Pope Hat Saga, Part 1

Papal Encyclicals
06/16/03 12:15:16 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

One travels through time with some guy, the other is healed by spit! One is quasi-sentient cardboard, the other once contained an Xbox! That's right, it's the Xbox box versus the Pope! Who will win the biggest battle since XTC vs Adam Ant?!

It might seem odd that we've gone with a one panel strip when we're going for continuity instead of simple laziness, but there is a method to our madness. Since we're considering alternate formats for that other project we've mentioned periodically, I thought it might be best to try things out here first. I know all you readers will only encourage us!


06/16/03 08:57:31 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I'm so glad that the AIX box froze tonight while I was attempting to upgrade the OS. I'm positively thrilled that the root filesystem was completely hosed and unrepairable. I'm in no way bitter at the coworkers who have been putting an increased load on the box and whose need for availability forced me to start this after everyone else had already left.


06/16/03 09:25:21 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I wish to god that I could use ICQ at work. I'm bored out of my skull waiting for this backup to restore from tape.


Joy Redux
06/17/03 08:30:25 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

AIX box failed to complete upgrade again. Root filesystem hosed again. Restoring from backup again. Here well past 10pm again.


Rainy days...
06/18/03 09:28:05 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: exhausted
Woke up late today, rushed out to the car in the rain, split the crotch of my pants getting in... had to go put on new ones and then be late(r) to work. Though nobody ever seems to notice, which is nice.

Went to Sears to pick up my new microwave last night. Had to order it since they didn't have one in stock when I was there on the weekend. After a $70 gift card left over from a christmas present (a coat, in Georgia??), it only cost $14. :)


NWN Expansion
06/18/03 05:56:29 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

The first one is out. Anyone up for playing some this weekend? Availability of people to play with will be my determining factor on whether to spend the money on it or not...


Hmm, maybe...
06/19/03 08:54:08 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono is my initial response, but if it has an enjoyable multiplayer game instead of an utterly boring for the guy who isn't talking but still wants to know the plot multiplayer game, I might consider it... They need to have some kind of expansion where the players can all participate on a level above "one guy talks, other guy loots all the chests"


Well, I guess that's a 'no'
06/19/03 12:27:13 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I'm pretty sure the campaign will work in a similar manner to the original campaign, so if you didn't like that (you didn't like that? I thought we had a lot of fun...) this probably won't be much better. Maybe there are some cool (rather than boring/insane-driving) user-made expansions out there by now that we could try out or something...


06/19/03 05:11:33 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: pissed
You got to have fun because your computer was faster and let you into the areas to start talking to people before me. I was reduced to killing your hookers when you weren't looking. (or was it while you were talking to her?) I think if I play again, I'll be chaotic evil to make such actions a little easier. Of course, I probably wouldn't want to save the world very much if I was...

Anyway, the fighting was okay enough, though the scripting bugs were very nasty when encountered. I say we all get Dungeon Siege and play through that on multiplayer. At least we wouldn't have to worry much about the plot. Just lots of tasty monsters to kill and prettier graphics than NWN.


06/19/03 05:40:15 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking
I've been thinking about making a rant update subscription system that sends new rants to a designated email address (including SMS email addresses)... I suppose it should only send the first sentence or so and nothing for updated rants, as I often post a rant and then update it while it's live. ^^;;


06/19/03 05:49:38 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

You never said anything about not having fun. (Except for the scripting things, which sucked ass.) If we were going to play Dungeon Seige, we might as well play Diablo 2. Yawntastic (and clicktastic)!

Hmm, I wonder if my phone supports SMS. I know it supports text messaging of some sort... Not that I necessarily need to be notified each time a rant is added...
