Monday, August 30th, 2004: IT'S (SUPPOSED TO BE) A PARTY IN THIS COMIC

This Comic Contains Nothing But Truth
08/29/04 10:53:23 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Nearly four years and over 300 comics into this thing, and it still hasn't payed off. We were totally screwed by those jerks.

Of course, as always, we would like to thank our good friends over at Dinosaur Comics for stopping by to liven things up. Thanks guys!


Life Hates Me
08/29/04 11:00:47 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

My 30" CRT HDTV monitor dies (probably the flyback transformer). My Karma dies (can't mount hard drive; can't reformat it). My iRiver MP3 CD player attempts to die ("No Disc"). My new 43" DLP HDTV attempts to die ("Lamp may be defective. Please contact a certified technician").

Thankfully, the iRiver recognized the disc after a power cycle. And the Samsung DLP decided to come on after being unplugged for a bit.

Regardless, this leaves me much less than happy. I don't really ask for a lot, but for this shit to work so I can have a little entertainment and relaxation when I'm not dealing with bullshit for work or for school is pretty much essential to my sanity. I'm starting to think <insert your deity of choice here> now actively hates me. Before it seemed to be passive.
