I don't... But I think the one thing it doesn't mean is that Matt's not a communist. Or is.
Due to my early passing-out, I got like 9 hrs of sleep last night, but could still barely drag myself out of bed this morning :( I may have a cold or food poisoning or something. I feel rather tired right now, in fact... Though I may just conditioned to get sleepy after making a comic, but who knows! My eyeballs may fall out, and then how will I make the comic?!
Anyway, I wanted to link you to Truck Dismount last night, but passed out, so penny-arcade beat me to it :(
On Slashdot, there was a book review about a book for introverts which got me looking at a site about Jungian attitude classifications and a test to fit yourself into one of the 16 categories, but it told me I'm an ISTJ, and I don't really think that is nearly as good a match as INTP, so I guess I'm an I*T*... Anyway, I guess it just means that either the site explained them wrong or I don't act like my personality does (which doesn't make sense) or people's personalities don't fit within one of 16 boxes... It was pretty interesting to read the descriptions of the different boxes and try to think of people I know who fit them. Don't know too many people, and my I-ness means I don't bother to notice their personalities enough to fit them into boxes, so I didn't do so well. Uh... it was still neat, anyway :)