Monday, June 30th, 2003: We All Need Someplace to Sit

Make mine with extra coffee!
06/29/03 11:29:37 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

So, attempts to get a nice 4-player game of the new NWN expansion going this afternoon proved fruitless. While Justin and I managed to get set up and ready to play, Patrick exploded or something (why else wouldn't he answer ICQs or emails?), and Hank managed to break his copy of NWN (it asks for the main NWN CD key whenever he tries to play, and he can't find it). If any of our loyal readers would like to play with us, either drop me an ICQ or an email. Anyway, Dr. Weird is calling to me, laters!


Power Overwhelming!
06/30/03 05:59:46 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Finally made myself call up the power company and get the service switched into my name (and pocketbook) starting July 1. Only a $200 deposit that I get back after 2 years of on-time payment! Owel, I don't think I'm allowed to use a different power company, so not much use complaining. I also called and moved the billing addresses on my credit cards to my new address. Now RightStuf won't have cause to make me call them. Only problem is, I didn't call them yet. *shrug* Guess I'll get to that tomorrow.


Someone bash my skull in...
07/01/03 12:37:28 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

...until I'm not so concerned with perfection. It's a bloody letter afterall, not a bloody essay. Damned nervousness. Please like me.


07/01/03 01:14:04 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Stupid Word! When I cut & paste your output into a web form, all of the stupid apostrophes aren't supposed to turn into question marks! What was I saying about being a perfectionist again? *sigh*


Bored bored bored
07/02/03 04:55:00 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking
glaaaaah.... I try to do some coding or design or something on my project, but I can't concentrate for more than 5 minutes, it seems... It's like those sticky octopi that came in cereal boxes and would walk down windows when you throw them, except my brain doesn't stick well and just slides or falls down the wall of code whenever I throw it. I try to work on the code some, then I just stare at it for awhile and switch over to slashdot or something. Dunno what I'm gonna do.

Dinner tonight: Angel hair with Prego mini-meatball sauce, just like when I spent that summer at GA Tech and had to make my own food... at least I'm not having omelettes every other night, though that could just stem from the fact that I've used all the eggs up.

blah, another hour of trying to do this simple code that I've done in slightly different ways 20 times before. maybe it's just the whole monotony of the thing...


Mini Movie Review: Terminator 3
07/02/03 07:08:37 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Best action flick of the year (so far). Quite possibly the best chase scene of the year as well (debatable vs Reloaded). Plot is pretty decent; justifies its existence sufficiently well.

The only downside (and this is mainly for my current situation) is that it doesn't generate much discussion fodder. Maybe I need to go catch 28 Days Later...


New Blood. BLOOOOD!
07/03/03 10:53:53 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
Just got a new program to make in the short-term, so hopefully my malaise will slough off and I can code some code...


Dear eBay: Fuck You
07/03/03 02:35:35 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

I am not "violat[ing] someone's copyright, trademark, or other rights" or "[e]ncouraging the use of potentially infringing material" by trying to sell a copy of Ikaruga for Dreamcast on your fucking worthless website. I have not violated any of your written policies (yes, I read them, you stupid pieces of shit). Perhaps you would care to explain why other listings for Ikaruga haven't been removed? No, I didn't think so. In conclusion, fuck off. Thanks.


Early Release
07/03/03 03:52:16 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Da boss let us off at 2, so I didn't get much work done today... just when I was feeling pretty good and well-rested and able to think, too!
