Monday, January 22nd, 2007
Give It a Few Years
regolith At Least He Can't Blame Himself...
01/22/07 01:26:09 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Hey, sports fans!

Welcome to another great week here at DrF! Excitement awaits you on Friday! Apon has already given me the script(!), but I haven't read it yet, so we're all in suspense!


apon And I Wrote This Before the SOTU Speech!
01/24/07 02:08:26 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

The idea as far as the scripts go is that we'll get ahead, so that we never again have another stretch like the first two weeks of last September. (Note that I did eventually write scripts, yet there is still a distinct lack of comics for that time period...) Part of getting ahead is continuing to churn out scripts at the last minute write high-quality scripts for each Monday and Friday going forward. So far that hasn't happened at all, but motivation is sure to strike me any minute now!


regolith Start your readin'!
01/25/07 01:38:54 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
If you were subscribed to our Atom feed, you'd already know this, but the severe guilt brought on by the above post from apon (which I saw on bloglines) has caused me to art and post the two weeks of comics from back when I was moving and not having internet!

Go here to see the 4-part series entitled Bleach!
