Monday, December 11th, 2006
Blast From the Past
regolith Your Ad Here
12/10/06 10:48:30 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
I feel as if I should've started with maybe 5 ads instead of 10... or just one skyscraper... Something like that. Then we'd have a chance at getting some mon-ay! As it is, we're never going to get some credit that I can use to buy ads on other sites :-D

'Course, I could just get some free advertising spots on other people's sites... It's a work in progress, guys!


regolith Less ads more!
12/14/06 12:41:11 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
I just cut our adboxes in half to 1 row of 5, since nobody was taking up those extra couple free spaces... *sigh*
