Monday, August 28th, 2006
My Suitcase Was Full of Hand Lotion. Because of my Dry Hands.
regolith PWN3D!
08/29/06 01:20:37 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Yes, I now own a townhouse-o-tron! Just have to move out of my apartment. (These aren't my lamps...) and into my house of distance +3

Oh, yeah. this isn't the comic that Matt wrote, but I can't handle 6 panels this week... Maybe next year! Also, I'm going to drive to Ocala for the weekend, so who knows how you're going to get your labor day comic. I might not even have internet access for the rest of the week, so it promises to be awesome days ahead!

Don't remember if I mentioned this, but I re-signed a 2-year contract with verizon and got a free RAZR for my troubles, but now I think I'm going to return it all and switch to cingular and get a SLVR. I also got a Motorola HS850 bluetooth headset, but I think I'm going to return it to get the RAZR branded one, since it supposedly uses the same power cord as my phone (RAZR and SLVR), so that'll either be one less adapter to keep track of or one extra adapter for travelling with. Meh. That's all in cellular news today!


regolith Ocalatron
08/29/06 01:32:49 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking
For those who are wondering why I'm going to Ocala, it is to stalk Matt's parents!

Well, it is for that reason and also because my parents moved there recently. Now they have horsies!


apon I Guess He's Dead
08/31/06 11:11:37 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

I think Justin's dead, because he hasn't been on AIM in days. We'll see if I can't come up with a comic. In the morning. Because I'm tired. The End.


regolith I *am* dead...
09/01/06 02:27:50 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
...while I'm at home, at least. Didn't call the new cable provider (Adelphia), so I don't have net access at home, yet. Still going to Florida this weekend, so I won't have net access until I get back... I guess. I should probably call the cable company, huh?


apon Oops.
09/05/06 12:01:46 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Way to much crap to try to get done this horrible long weekend to manage either Friday or Monday comics by my lonesome. We'll see if we can't work something out in the near future.


regolith Bizzy
09/06/06 06:54:10 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Hey, all... still don't have t3h Int3rn3tw3rk at home, but I signed up online with Adelphia... and was subsequently called by someone at Comcast. *sigh* I think Comcast is taking over Adelphia's service area or something.

Welp, I'll be in D.C. Sunday night and Monday day for business... So monday's comic is pretty much out, too :D

Owel, we'll eventually get all these back issues out as some massive awesomely plotted comic series. Someday. Maybe.


apon Uh... Hiatus?
09/12/06 11:54:29 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

I guess maybe Justin will get an internet connection again someday... It kind of impacts our workflow as is, since he can't get scripts or upload comics (we use a just-in-time script delivery system most of the time). In the meantime, I guess I'll try to make some comics up myself using my awesome photochopping skills. Assuming that I find some time between my Saint's Row addiction and my         -related misery. Hooray!
