Friday, March 4th, 2005: In Memory of Bubba (Who Should Have Been Named Pinchy)

Yeah, It Looks Crappy
03/03/05 11:06:24 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Justin disappeared off the face of the earth on comic night, so I implmented tonight's comic using MS Paint. (I still haven't installed PhotoShop on this box.) Hopefully when Justin rises from his grave he will do this up proper and replace my grotesque png.

In other news, I got completely hosed on the presale for NIN tickets. They sold out in 3 minutes, but it took 7 minutes for their server to process my request to put them into my shopping cart. The general sale starts at 5:00 PM Friday afternoon, so I'll be staying home from work to rest up all day in anticipation. (Or, I'll be staying home because I worked until 9:00 PM last Saturday and earned it. One of the two.)


Now With Extra Funny
03/03/05 11:16:22 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Please ignore the previous version of this comic that you never actually saw. The punch line has now been punched up! Get it? 'Punched' up! Hahahaha!


Now with Antialiased Goodness!
03/03/05 11:55:37 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
So I finally got home from work... Didn't realize AIM wasn't connected, so I thought I'd be able to pass out in peace. Luckily, Matt already made this comic, so I just had to redo the text to remove the vile jaggies of MSPaint.

Here's Matt's version. For history's sake!


Download stuff? You need insurance!
03/05/05 11:03:51 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Saw a google ad for Download Insurance... WTF??

Heh, it doesn't really say what it insures, but it kind of implies they'll pay for any judgements against you, if you're sued by the RIAA... Just crazy... You can buy a "secure certificate" (for what?) and be totally protected from downloading a copyrighted file. Riiiiight.
