Monday, October 25th, 2004: The Tricks That He Does are Ever So Clever

His leathery, leathery whip / It's made of magic
10/25/04 04:09:44 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Matt plagued me with a link to this looping musical flash thinghy... It'll be competing with Pikmin 2 for most horrible dreams tonight, I'm sure. I've played P2 for about 20 hours this weekend... My favorite cave is the Submerged Castle. The me-seeking, pikmin-crushing unkillable steam roller gave a lot of enjoyable tension to that one. Hint for that boss: If you use some strategy, you can keep him purple by throwing more purples on him after he shakes off the first ones, requiring less bitter spray. I think the only map I have left to do stuff for is the one that is found after paying off the debt. I feel like maybe I shouldn't have paid the debt so soon, so I could read more emails from the president about how he is escaping his creditors.


Thank God, The Voice of Reason Returns!
10/28/04 05:40:17 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
JeffK is back!


10/28/04 11:07:03 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
I had to work kinda late, and Matt has disappeared from AIM, so, uh... New comic in the afternoon/afterday!
