Monday, August 9th, 2004: I'm Buying the T-Shirt!

08/09/04 12:05:30 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Didn't do much this weekend, except start playing Deus Ex 2. Seems dumbed down from the first one. It has more side-quests, which is nice. I wonder if I'll get to meet THE JC Denton who caused The Collapse...

Anyway, another week of the same-old same-old, I guess. Keep you posted if I do something out of the ordinary!

p.s. Hunh, the links section isn't working right lately... tried posting this rant a few times and my links never showed up. Anyway, buzzcomix seems to be back, so vote up top.


08/09/04 01:33:42 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I thought the links had gloriously returned, but it turns out I was looking at an old, cached comic here at work. I'm not sure how Justin managed to break the links, but you can rest assured I'm planning to travel back in time and kill him before he ever has the chance! (In the event that has already happened, please ignore this rant.)

Edit: Uh... my links are fine. Dunno what Justin's problem is.


Useless Diagrams
08/09/04 04:51:22 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I strongly dislike it when people who don't know what they're talking about try to tell me I'm wrong. As is the case in class today. The idiot TA decided that he was going to knock off points for the names of functions in the Sequence Diagrams and Class Descriptions not matching. Here's a hint, bucko -- IT DOESN"T FUCKING MATTER. If it did, none of the software I've ever worked on would work. Planes would be running into each other, because the ATC software I wrote sure the hell didn't worry about this shit. States sure wouldn't be sharing any criminal information, because it's not just us that aren't pedantic about this shit -- none of the organizations we work with worry about it. I might as well give up on both of our upcoming projects right now, because they're both doomed to failure. At least in the future I know what to ask when I'm interviewing someone -- not questions about their intelligence, programming ability, or work ethic; instead I will be making sure that they know that names had better match between two different types of diagrams, or we're all fucked. No one will be able to figure out that overdueByName() and overdueNames() are the same damn thing. Especially given context. Obviously, we're ALL TOO FUCKING STUPID. So I'll go ahead and bow down now. Yeah, right. One of us here is competent, the other is TA'ing for a management consultant. Who's who again?


All those referers? Looks like it's spammers.
08/09/04 05:16:23 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Check this out. Maybe we should add* to the <ignored referrers> bit in the admin interface? And by 'we' I mean 'Justin', because I don't have access to such things in our current config.
