Friday, December 5th, 2003: Snow Day

Where's my buuuuurgerrrrrr!
12/04/03 10:37:35 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
bah, have had to work late this week to get some stuff out the door. I was starting to add pictures to a word doc where all the images had mysteriously disappeared. Then, after I accidentally moved a table, all the disappeared images popped back in! Bah, had to skip my hamburger dinner, stupid work...


Soon to be the official online store provider for Penny Arcade!
12/05/03 12:59:19 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Well, probably not. But Justin is apparently working on an online store thingy at work, and Penny Arcade is apparently looking for new online store software. It's a marriage made in heaven! Because we hate them!
