Thursday, November 27th, 2003: Turkey Day 2K3

Happy Feeding Day!
11/24/03 11:51:12 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: big-headed
Happy Thanksgiving Day from the PAST! I'm going to be driving down to Florida with my brother tomorrow (Tuesday) and then I'll be having thanksgiving dinner on Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), and maybe I'll post an update! Well, probably not. Maybe Matt will, though. Anyway, guess I'd better hop back in my time machine before I find out any more about the FUTURE!


11/27/03 11:12:12 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I guess Matt will at that. All I really want to say right now is how much I hate Christmas music. I now have a horrible headache. Maybe I'll have something more interesting to write after dinner with the extended family. Maybe not. Keep refreshing every 5 minutes so that you don't miss anything!
