Friday, October 3rd, 2003: The Kamen Mounts a Stiff Resistance

He's got tricks up his... uhhh...
10/02/03 11:41:24 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
Ah, this is what happens when I get a lot of sleep wednesday night... I tossed Matt's script and painstakingly made a continuation of the Super Pants Kamen series. For more SPK, start here and read the next 2 comics.

p.s. Matt wants you to laugh at this penny-arcade satire, because they deserve it...


Oh Sweet Jesus, No!
10/03/03 06:59:20 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Come on now, I wrote a script! If it was so awful that I deserved to be punished like this you could have told me! I even asked! *sob*

Seriously, I'm very sorely tempted to delete this comic. Ugh. Ick. *shudder*


Let's make this perfectly clear -- I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS
10/03/03 07:30:00 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default


I feel so dirty.


Monty Python's Flying Halo
10/03/03 07:48:05 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default



Tiny. So your eyes hurt.
10/03/03 10:02:09 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Very very tiny videogames


Fuck You Too, Mike and Jake
10/03/03 01:34:11 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I have to find out about Wrench Farm from PA? I thought you loved us!



10/03/03 02:18:47 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: flying
Hooray, they live! I noticed the name on 8-bit theater, but Brian didn't say anything about DrL or Michael and Jeff, so I didn't click it... Seems like M&J could have made redirect to instead of P-A, but Noooooo... :\

Owel, seems like I wasn't missing much I hadn't already seen. I wonder what Tycho meant about "two months of downtime..." What were they doing until two months ago???

I guess they will use their massive archive from DrL to build up a web comedy empire again, just to tear it down to the dismay of their dozens of fans! ...Did I just give the ending away?

edit: Citizens of the web demand the audio file for the Monkey's Tail comic!

edit 2: He's right about apple juice... I've had a 12 ounces with breakfast every day this week, and every day I've had a bowel movement! Kickass!


10/03/03 02:39:33 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

The DrL page actually has a 'final' comic up now. I think the 'two months ago' comment was because the comic currently up there is dated 07/27/03 (even though that's a lie)...

Anyway, after reading through the abridged DrL archives over at Wrench Fest I decided to start reading though our archives. Hard to believe that I'll have been working on this comic for 2 years come the end of this month. Anyway, it's safe to say that even with horrible, horrible tragedies like today's comic, we've been pretty consistently hilarious over the past two years. I'm pretty sure we deserve some more recognition, so for the love of god, don't just vote for us, but force everyone you know to read as well. If that means strapping them to a chair and taping their eyelids open, so be it! (We might be forced to do that with our AWOL third ranter ourselves...)

Apple juice: What the hell? I'm pretty sure nobody should be having problems unless they only eat candy or something... Even fast food has enough fiber and whatnot to not cause problems. Besides, apple juice is actually not all that good for you, rather it's just a concentrated sugar rush.

Some idiot once said, "I think I also need to resolve not to use the news as a stupid journal/ICQ substitute." What the hell was he thinking?
