Monday, September 15th, 2003: Everwood Spoilers

MOO3 Ate My Brain
09/15/03 12:50:01 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Instead of going anywhere or doing anything last weekend, I played hour upon hour of MOO3. I bought it 2 weekends ago and I'm STILL playing the game I started that Sunday. The bastards just won't DIE!!! So, I could only break away long enough to watch adult swim and then do this comic afterwards... Let's just call it a sticking to our roots and try again friday, eh?

Anyway, I guess new season land is full upon us! New Everwood starting tonight. New Aqua Teen Hunger Force starting a couple weeks ago. New Enterprise eps starting last week, if you're into that... New Space Ghost: Coast to Coast starting November 23ish!


Whoo, Close One...
09/15/03 01:18:50 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
My hair is as lifeless and dull as my brain! I forgot to put words and bubbly word holders in at the time of my first rant.. Luckily, luck is on your side, and I caught it in time to fixify. G'night


Vote for us on Buzzcomix!
09/16/03 03:18:11 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

What's that you say? The button still takes you to the perpetually broken TWC? Funny that...


That Buzzing Sound
09/16/03 04:53:46 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal

Okay, I signed us up... dunno when MOO3 will let me move the vote graphic up to the tabs...


Better Than Ninja
09/16/03 05:21:30 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
I see with pleasure, that we're already more popular than White Ninja! (he has 0 votes and we have 1!)


What's the holdup, RS?
09/17/03 11:16:17 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: exhausted
I made a huge anime/manga order with Right Stuf during their tokyopop sale, but they only shipped one book (and a stupid catalog) right away, then nothing... There are about 18 books now, since some pre-orders have hit their street dates, that they should have sent me by now, but today I got a "We're still working on it" email... Jerks.


That's Not a New Thing
09/17/03 11:51:48 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I too have only received one book from my huge manga order during the Right Stuf sale. I'm not surprised or complaining though, because this isn't anything new. I still have a couple of books that I'm waiting for from their manga sale before that. It took a few months before all of the books in my order from the Tokyopop sale at the end of last year showed up, too. Right Stuf actually does a really good job of shipping stuff out as soon as they get it in (which is nice, since you didn't pay a darn thing for those dozen shipments they're going to make to you on a big order), so I don't see what your beef is with them. Gripe at Tokyopop, who can't be bothered to fill the big orders RS is placing with them in a timely fashion.


09/17/03 12:03:50 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Look, it's not like I mind that you want to index our site. Showing up in search results is good and we're more or less happy about it. But you've been crawling our site for eleven days now. Our site isn't all that big. Couldn't you just, you know, index the whole thing in one shot and then come back after a while (a month, a week, whatever) and do it again? Seriously, I'm beginning to wonder about you guys.


The Big Bad Storm's Gonna Get Me!
09/18/03 01:07:41 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

The silly panic has reached the point where they closed the facility at work for today from noon on and for all of tomorrow. So free vacation, yay! I'm not terribly worried about the storm, I'm simply hopeful the power and internet access stay on.
