Monday, August 25th, 2003: This Really Happened!

08/25/03 12:17:12 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Tiredness and confusosity and slight UI deficiencies caused me to not hit the post button for my rant maybe I guess. To summarize: Unexpected additional free time, slack instead of doing any of the lots of stuff that I have to do, Gogurt commercials retarded. Same content, much more succinct. Yay.


Note to Bioware
08/25/03 11:26:53 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Never, EVER make me walk around on the ocean floor in a spacesuit at a top speed of 1 KPH (go metric!) again, okay?


Previewing improves
08/25/03 01:16:33 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

The lack of background color makes it pretty obvious, but will it affect the quality color matching we do in rants right now? I'm not sure. Also, I think the red preview block, which is very nice and attention getting, thanks, should also be at the top of the preview, that way allowing it to be seen immediately when the screen jumps to the preview.

The readers should find this topic terribly interesting, yes?


Previewing Pre-improved
08/25/03 04:00:45 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
That is just your browser caching my css... hit reload to see the glory of the new post previewer!


08/25/03 04:25:49 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

It shall be hard for me to be dumb and not actually post a rant with this color scheme (but I'll try my best to!).


08/26/03 01:49:30 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Horde is officially a piece of crap. So I spend a good 30-45 mins figuring out how I can arrange Thanksgiving and Xmas vacations so that I can pay visits to New York (Dad and family), Florida (Mom and family), and perhaps Atlanta (friends, assuming anybody wants to put up with me) while maximizing my holidays / vacation time / comp time. All the while I'm writing stuff down in one of Horde's handy notes. Once I've finally got everything sorted out and put together a couple of possibilities to run by people I hit the save button... and I'm presented with the login screen. Frantically, I hit the back button, and the response I get is... the login screen. So I log in, and check the notes, hoping it was saved anyway. It was not. Stupid motherfuckers need learn something about interface design and usability; not only do they never tell you there's a timeout, they don't give you anywhere to set the duration! In conclusion, if you do use Horde, be careful about it and save all the damn time (even though that's inconvenient).


Got Anime, Bitch!?
08/26/03 05:09:05 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
On a recent (huge!) order from Right Stuf they sent an order confirmation email that said my got anime discount had not been applied! Well, today I called them up and a nice girl told me that it actually had been applied (and gave me the correct total), so... Hooray!


Epic Adventure!
08/27/03 09:54:18 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Jazz Jackrabbit and the cast of Unreal join you and your friends in a new Neverwinter Nights expansion pack, the 20+ hour single-player adventure called Hordes of the Underdark! I just want to know if there'll be Nali Healing FriutS!!!!11#@$!


What the Fuck?
08/27/03 03:30:36 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

What the hell are you talking about? I don't mind rants that aren't completely coherent, but wtf? It's not like they're suddenly switching to the Unreal engine or something.


And Really, Who Needs Internet Access Anyway?
08/27/03 03:31:58 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

So we had a big storm yesterday evening. Even knocked out power for a bit. Through that, the cable stayed up. About two hours after the power came back, over an hour after the rain was completely and utterly gone, the fuckups at Comcast decided to cut off cable, and hence internet access. After about 60-90 minutes they decided to bring it back... for about 10 minues. Then they decided to cut it off again, largely because they have nothing but contempt and hatred for their customers. (The support line blames it on the storm, but that obviously can't be true since the storm was long gone when they cut it off.) It was off when I came to work this morning, and I fear that it may be off when I get home this evening. I could, of course, ping my IP and see if it's up again, right? Well of course not! The braindead imbiciles in charge of external net access at work have decided that they need to filter outgoing ICMP packets. Is there any valid reason, security-related or otherwise for this choice? Absolutely not. I guess they just want to cause us a large amount of hassle for no good reason at all. Bastards.


08/27/03 04:52:57 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Sorry, was just thinking about the Epic adventure in store for us and started thinking about Epic Megagames... tee-hee.

You could try SSHing into your box...? I am a crazy person and have incoming ICMP blocked! Mostly because I switched my default incoming rule to deny and then just opened up SSH to outside-land...

Just got in a little car accident and need to go replace a fender... sucky.


08/27/03 06:59:46 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

In another fit of abject stupidity, the network people have disallowed all outgoing SSH connections. In this case it didn't matter anyway, as I stopped off at home while I was running a few errands and all cable-related goodness is still completely down. I can understand that there are valid reasons for dropping incoming ICMP, but I just can't think of any reason to drop it on its way out.

Car accident: Alright, who had August in the pool? After experiencing the wonder that is Justin's driving back around Xmas time, I immediately picked January. I'm still shocked that I lost.

One of the errands I accomplished whilst out was to pick up Soul Calibur II. The pilot light went out on my soul a while abck, so I'm hoping that this will get it burning again. If nothing else, I expect the 720p output to be very, very pretty. Guess this means that I need to get off my duff and finally order an X-Arcade.


Welcome to the Stage of History!
08/28/03 12:37:25 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
It's thursday already! And I haven't gotten SC2 and dunno if I will... at least until it seems like someone may come to my flat to play videogames... :\

For work, I'm reading a manual for a simulation game called Simsoc. It's kind of a role-playing game for 30+ people who are divided into 4 groups and have certain natural rules and regional scarcities/abundances to deal with. My job will be to electronify some of the forms and calculations or something. I have read the player's manual first, though ;;_;;


Why isn't my soul still burning on the stage of history?!
08/28/03 03:41:32 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I can't believe that they took out the two most famous phrases from the first game. :-( Anyway, I've only had the chance to run through the game 2.5 times so far (my Mitsurugi run was aborted when the power decided to go out again last night), and even though I was playing with a gamepad (ick) and didn't know anybody's moves, it was still an enjoyable time. I, like Justin, would enjoy having other humans around with which to play games such as these, but until that happens I think I'll be content learning the characters and unlocking the secrets. Oh, the game is exceedingly pretty at 720p, which makes the Xbox stand out as the only legitimate console to buy the game for.

Order of business number one on that Simsoc account is to fix the darn web site! "Only Microsoft Browsers can use this site" indeed. BTW, didn't your company used to make payroll systems or something? What's up with that?
