Monday, July 28th, 2003: Mayor Mike Haggar Day #2

Crap, I have to wake up tomorrow.
07/28/03 03:27:24 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: exhausted
Or today, rather... At least I won't be called on to think... I hope. Monday will be moving day, so hopefully I'll just have to stand around and watch people load or unload stuff or maybe just setup people's computers at their desks...


07/28/03 10:58:21 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I didn't expect Justin to go to so much effort after we realized at 11pm that we probably ought to do a comic. This one definitely makes me bust out the lollerskates, though. Also, sleeping is evil.


Like Michael Moore?
07/28/03 01:46:04 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Read this and see if your opinion doesn't change a bit.


Nausicaa on DVD!
07/28/03 10:08:22 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa will finally be available on DVD on November 19, 2003. This is, in my opinion, one of the finest films ever created. Don't wait for the US rights issues to be sorted out, go get your preorders in now rather than later.


07/28/03 10:14:33 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Next week, Spashdown: Riders Gone Wild will be in stores, and you should go buy it. Just because it's from THQ doesn't mean it has to suck.


07/28/03 10:35:36 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

RE-TG! At 500 quid for a 4-person chalet, plus plane tickets, plus a day or two off of work, this might be hard to pull off. If anybody I know is free on May 14 - 16, 2004, and would like to go see Coil (or possibly Left Hand Path, depending on Jhon), Carter Tutti, Black Dice, Lydia Lunch, Alec Empire, Soft Pink Truth, VVE, Thee Majesty, Scanner, Richard H. Kirk, Matmos, Daniel Miller, Project Dark, Big Bottom, People Like Us, Jack Sargent, THROBBING GRISTLE, Pan sonic, Merzbow, Andrew Weatherall, Thighpaulsandra, Jim O'Rourke, Simon Fisher Turner, and John Lacey, for god's sake drop me an email.


Morrowind for $6 shipped
07/29/03 10:21:02 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Here, if you don't have it yet.


Well, that tears it!
07/29/03 11:46:00 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
I guess I know I don't care to play morrowind when I can get it for sub-$10 and don't...

Mostly moved in to the new office now. Back in a cubicle, but that's okay, because there's no laser printer behind me or A/C output right above my head. Oh, wait, there IS an A/C output lurking over there... but I guess it's not on now. The old place would freeze me until I had to grab myself for warmth and pass out.

Got a big-ass--but old--Mitusbishi Diamond Pro 91TXM monitor on my desk, spoils from an ex-co-worker. The drivers for my unforunate ATI Rage Pro 128 don't have a simple gamma setting, so the color is kinda murky and crappy... but I guess I'll live. Hrm, it seems brighter on the top half... stupid 6-year old monitor!

Woke up an hour early--I guess, because my radio didn't go off--so I went back to sleep and hit snooze a couple times when it went off an hour later, making me late for work... Feel kinda crappy, too. Maybe I'm dehydrated?? *sigh* I can tell I'm not going to get much thinking done today.

Edit: Meant to say also that we have ergonomic keyboard holders at our desks, and, taking a lesson from the CoC lab at GaTech, I've turned it 180 degrees, so it doesn't bang my knees or hold a keyboard. Hooray for technology!


Bills Bills Books
07/29/03 11:02:49 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
*receives bill from cable company, expects to see bogus pay-per-view charges seen on an online statement last month... but there are new complications!*

Playboy Espanol?! PLAYBOY ESPANOL!? 3 multi-hour blocks of pr0n, all starting within one hour of each other (playboy, hot network, hot zone) were charged on july 19th... *grumble Grumble GRUMBLE* I sense a long wait on hold in my future.

Anyway, I guess it's way-old news, but I saw Game Programming Gems 3 for the first time in a Barnes and Noble a couple weeks ago, and tonight, I ordered it for half-off. If you don't have any gems yet, you can get the rest of them half-off, too.
