Monday, May 3rd, 2004: Self-Referential Comics

05/02/04 09:20:29 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
It was the first comic Matt wrote for us, and now it's the most recent!

I had one weekend to relax, but now I'll have to design and code stuff for work faster than ever before! bleh. Maybe it'll go more smoothly than I anticipate, but it's a rather big and crazily-structured problem we'll be dealing with, so my dread-o-meter is pretty high for this week.


05/04/04 06:05:48 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Maybe it's just my tired brain, but this has been one of the SA's best Comedy Goldmines evar... Just keep in mind that the goal was to remove the ski in the foreground... Priceless. But made of gold. Gomedy gold.

A stormtrooper... playing pool!
