Wednesday, December 25th, 2002: The Spirit of Christmas

Future Echoes To current comic Eat Matt Day #7

Give 'till it hurts!
2002-12-25 10:55:17
by: regolith
Ah, webcomics... The gift that keeps on giving! Today's terrifying script was made possible by Matt. And since there were only 3 panels in his script, I inserted one before the end to make it legal.

Uploading the comic by web seems to be broken... For the last 2 comics, I had to upload by ftp... but the web uploader didn't give me any errors, the comic just wasn't there! *sigh* Gotta dust off my year old code now...


Scaring is Caring...
2002-12-25 21:51:39
by: regolith
Dunno if I should share my special present with you, but those wacky guys at Dr. Lobster have made a flash movie just for ME on this Xmas holiday thing. You may view my gift if you wish... I have already saved it to my hard drive, so I can watch it over and over, even after the overworld has been destroyed by nuclear hellfire. See it before the end, sinners!
