Monday, December 23rd, 2002: Future Echoes

Wissenschaftsgesellschaft To current comic The Spirit of Christmas

So Very Tired
2002-12-23 11:31:41
by: regolith
Caffeine not working... Please don't find me sleeping.

Targeting arms extending... Targeting arm extension complete. Smaller targeting sub-arms extending... Wait, they don't have the same heart! Picard's is fake! Fake Picard is more real than Real Picard! No! DATAAAAAAAaaaaaa!

Crappy office internet connection or router is making it impossible to get data past the big dropdown list o' comics that we have... stupid office.


2002-12-23 14:53:31
by: apon

I'm only to blame insomuchas I haven't had the chance to write any scripts recently...


Xmas Miracle
2002-12-23 21:04:27
by: regolith
Matt's christmas present got here today... Too bad he'll have to wait a whole nother year for me to be able to give it to him...


2002-12-24 07:43:20
by: apon

Shipping companies do exist, ya know!

Also, couch at Paul's > air mattress at my Mom's.

Also, I should have brought more manga. So bored. :-(


2002-12-25 09:13:44
by: regolith
I'm gonna have to pull a piro and say that our xmas comic will be out later today, maybe.... I'm reaaaally sorry.
