Monday, March 28th, 2005: Hoppy Easter!

03/28/05 01:38:05 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
They freak me out.

Goal for this week is to try using Subversion to control one of our documentation projects at work. Hoo-boy.


03/31/05 12:13:07 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Today, I put on a white shirt with a bright yellow t-shirt underneath, and whitish chinos. It was going to be a bright day, so I figured it'd be cool if I wore bright clothes.

Well, After using the restroom at work, I looked in the mirror and saw that, instead of looking bright and cheery, I looked like freshly pissed-on snow. *sigh* Check self in mirror before leaving house...
