Monday, July 12th, 2004: Bad Gas Mileage

SpiderMAN, Spiderman...
07/11/04 11:53:56 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Got around to seeing Spiderman 2 on Saturday. Really good. Plenty of corny lines and emotions and tiny suns.

Downloaded a few eps of Twin Peaks and had never seen it before, and it was not at all what I expected. Each episode goes deeper into the twisty little corridors of the intricate maze of relationships in this small town through a murder investigation. I was originally turned off by just about every character, but then FBI agent Cooper grew on me. Throw in a one-armed man and prophetic visions, and I'm hooked. I wonder if he mails off the dictation tapes he makes to "Diane" everyday... Too bad I heard that the 2nd season would probably not make it to dvd. :\

Anyway, it seems like it'll be another slow week for me at work. Hm, unless my records are incorrect, it'll be Matt's birthday on Sunday! Go Matt... I will have gotten you a comic script that I will then make into a comic, so you don't have to, I guess!


Working at Best Buy in Heaven...
07/13/04 05:24:59 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Wrench Farm has been updated with a final post from Jeff and his eulogy for Michael and a final comic and random quotes from Michael. I'll always remember him when I eat a meat apple now.
