Friday, February 6th, 2004: Clearly, Only Nazis Celebrate Kwanzaa

It's that time of year... again?
02/05/04 11:08:30 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Black history month is upon us! During this time of year, we peel away the shrouded mists of time to gaze at the darkest moments in history. Only the blackest of historical events are good enough for our readers, whether imaginary or not! Of course, for DrF, every month is black history month! Why, just last month, we celebrated MLKJr Day. Anyway, enough about our colored brothers and sisters. Work is trying to make me cry. I've been staying late the past couple days to finish up the shipping section of our web shopping thing, so we can start shipping stuff (duh), and also because I'm supposed to convert a demo job application taking system into a real job application taking system and go to Augusta, GA to install it. Luckily, it won't be doing its thing over the web, but will only be a single kiosk/terminal. Unfortunately, less than a week isn't really enough time to make the conversion from demo to real app or add the functionality they asked for... So maybe I'll be staying in Augusta for awhile? Maybe play some golf, yeah...


Stir Crazy?
02/06/04 09:26:08 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Still at work on friday at 9:30... probably going to come in tomorrow, too. I'd better get a nice long vacation after this crappy month is over. Anyway, I started this post to tell you that I have a sudden craving to own a hat. A dark fedora, I guess.
