Monday, March 31st, 2003: The New Ice Age

No Comics To current comic White Ninja steals elftor's hat and acts saucy

2003-03-31 02:38:12
by: regolith
waaaaaanh, monday's gonna suck....


2003-03-31 11:29:28
by: apon

I know I'm the one who wrote it, but I just can't stop laughing at this.


2003-03-31 16:24:24
by: regolith
I was feeling really tired before lunch, so I decided to try some "coffee" but it tasted like coffee grounds in water, so I didn't drink much. Then, a few minutes later, I felt somewhat more awake! Later, I ate lunch, and then afterwards, my digestive system pulled all the blood from my brain and made me try to pass out, so I tried some tea (Earl Grey, Hot). Boy, that sucked. Anyway, maybe I'll try that coffee stuff again, with sugar next time. And non-dairy creamer?

I bought some soy milk and some soy chocolate milk, and I drank all the chocolate milk, but haven't started on the white stuff as I have no cookies to eat it with. So I'm going to Publix after work.

My plan for tonight is to play more of that zelda wind waking game (I'm a pirate! Yar!), eat cookies and soy milk for dinner, and tell my clothes to wash themselves while I get to bed early.


2003-03-31 16:55:09
by: regolith
The tea gave me hiccups! Damn you, Jean-Luc Picard!


Take 2
2003-04-01 18:18:18
by: regolith
So, uh, april fools or whatever... yeah.

My plan for last night didn't work, in most of its points. One being my Silk brand soy milk sucked. They make much better fake chocolate milk. Also, my laundry just sat there while I talked at it and didn't do a damn thing. Also, I stopped at almost every island while going across the ocean in zelda, and it was a big waste of time cuz I wasn't powerful enough to do anything significant. I passed out late last night after receiving Bombs from the pirates.

My plan for tonight is essentially the same, but I think I'll just shove the clothes into the washing machine and then transfer them into the dryer when they're done washing and see what happens after that.


2003-04-02 17:41:01
by: regolith
hm, getting a little behind now; forgot some stuff I'd have to do beyond just restructuring some pages, and there's another show it to client meeting on friday.

Lasterday's plan was only slightly more successful. I didn't have any cookies left, so I used chocolate syrup to make chocolate soy milk and drank that. Consequently, I don't have any chocolate syrup anymore. I do have publix brand fig newtons, which are pretty close to the real newtons but taste more like real fig (who wants fig newtons that taste like fig??). Anyway, stayed up too late playing zelda and doing subquests on Windfall Island. I ended my session just after placing the 3 pearls on the 3 triangle islands to spoiler spoiler... There are these wooden bases placed all over the WHOLE WORLD, and I guess something cool will happen if I just buy a bunch of decorative flower pots to snap onto them. I also have to catch a firefly in a bottle to make a flashbulb so I can take color pictures. Yup.

In laundry news, I got it into the washer okay, but was late getting it into the dryer due to zelda-itis and it was still wettish this morning, so I set it to dry again. This night, I hope to eat spaghetti for dinner, play zelda until 10ish and be profoundly passed out until I awake fresh and ready to work on the other side of the night. Then I'll go to work for 13 hours.

Oh, yeah. the title of the rant is "spam!" because spamassassin told me this email I got today was a spam email, and I'm pretty sure it was! It didn't tell me in the subject line, though... wish I could make it say ***SPAM*** or something, so I could just have it automatically go to the trash.

Matt needs to say something.


my new box == teh smartey man
2003-04-03 09:18:17
by: apon

So I got the htpc put together last night, and I just had it up at the bios temperature screen to make sure that I could run the Zalman CNPS6000-Cu in silent mode and get acceptable temperatures. I walked away for a bit to go get a drink and mess with one of the other computers, and when I came back, it had shut itself off. When I hit the power button after that, it would come on for a second or two, and then shut off immediately. Never POSTed. I said "to hell with this" and went to bed. This morning, instead of getting into work early like I should have, I decided to start disconnecting stuff until the damn thing would boot. Eventually I got to the point where the only things that were left were the ps, mobo, cpu, heatsink (w/o fan), and ram. Once I could actually see the CPU and heatsink, I noticed it -- one side of the heatsink retention bar had become disengaged from the socket! Thankfully, the mobo was smart enough to power itself the hell off and refuse to come back on. No foul odors were ever emitted, and the thing posted in minimal configuration this morning, so chances are good that everything will be happy once I get it all put back together tonight. Whew.


Stupid Anti-Plagiarism Bots
2003-04-03 12:32:03
by: apon

Note to self: Update robots.txt file.


Stupid Anti-Plagiarism Bots
2003-04-03 15:30:49
by: regolith
Note to self: Update robots.txt file.
