Monday, January 27th, 2003: Misdirection

A Good Kamen Brings Evil To Its Knees To current comic Girl Hair

2003-01-26 22:28:09
by: apon

It's been a nice weekend. It was nice to finally have some time off after working so much. I mostly just hung around at home -- spent time listening to TMBG, reading all of the released volumes of Mars, and watching MutantX and Stargate SG-1 SVCDs. Not exciting, but relaxing and enjoyable.

Sorry for the downtime this weekend, and the slow loading that's going on now. We're not sure if it's our host's fault or Worldcom's, but we're considering our options.

We've done some talking and planning this weekend, and I think we may some interesting developments with the comic for you in the coming weeks.

Uh, there's a half-naked Jennifer Garner on my television screen right now, so I'm going to stop typing now...


2003-01-27 14:33:31
by: regolith
argh, passing out... is it too much caffeine or too little? too little sleep more likely, but i got an okay amount this weekend, so i shouldn't be dying on the first day out. maybe my sleep is not working for me somehow. maybe concentrating on things gives me a heart attack and i'm dead, but i can't be dead because i'm typ--


2003-01-27 22:06:00
by: regolith
Woke up long enough to spend $250 at the Planet Anime sale thinghy. $40 of that is taken up by a whole TWO H-manga. ;;_;; They're full color, though. Being a perv is painful sometimes... I also got the Nadesico box set (same price as buying the last 3 that I needed) the Project A-ko dvd collection (A-ko is a sad, sad weakness of mine) and the Star Blazers season 1 box set -- a bit overpriced at $90 after 40% off, (for a dub!) but *shrug* can't really get it cheaper anywhere.

So yeah, I'm spending a ton on crappy anime but being cheap as can be on a wacom tablet. The tablet is still on backorder, I guess... I'll have to have a chat with them if it doesn't ship soon. $18 more and I can get a non-refurbished one that's in-stock. Might have to pay sales tax on that one, though, since that company seems to have a warehouse or something in Georgia.


Manga samples!
2003-01-28 11:08:40
by: regolith
Kodansha has a site with info about some of their manga (that I guess is up for licensing in North America). They even have 5-10 page previews of a bunch, and some of those are out in NA already. Hana-Usagi has a whole short story to look at if you want to waste some time...


Things I Hate
2003-01-29 14:59:48
by: apon
  • JNI
  • GTRI
  • old C code
  • backwards compatibility
  • loud, dumb secretaries



2003-01-30 09:49:15
by: regolith
I emailed Harmony Computers a couple days ago 'cuz they took the refurbished tablets off their catalog, so I was wondering what that meant to my order... No response yet. Guess I'll have to call their 1-877 number (while I'm at work!) if they don't reply by tomorrow...
