Monday, December 2nd, 2002: Consume!

Eat Matt Day #6 To current comic Teh Life of Larry

2002-12-02 01:35:58
by: regolith
Here's a banner I made sometime last week when Matt was telling me I should make a banner. I didn't listen to whatever suggestions he had, though, and made this. Would you like a T-Shirt with that?


2002-12-02 12:19:56
by: regolith
Hello from my lunch break :)

I got in at 9:00 (ish) today and found a note on my monitor that said training starts at 8:30! I had no idea I would be training today... Welp, I went over there, and it's the company we work with, and they're training us on how to use their system (which we want to use as part of our product). Only one problem, nothing is working right! So we leave and I go to my desk and look at webcomics and slashdot for an hour, and they bring us back in. Things go fine until we get to logging in and their system starts timing out and making us log in again. Often. So the pizza they ordered (from Mellow Mushroom, I think All-Star was better) arrived, and now I'm eating it and typing.

Also, my car's in the shop for getting some leaky hoses replaced, so I'm using my brother's car (he's living with us with his 2 kids for a while). It's a Ford Taurus, and it looks crappier than my Chevy Lumina, but it starts and stops faster, so I guess it's okay... It's filled with car seats and toys and empty soda cans, though, so I'll just be glad when my car's back.


2002-12-02 13:47:39
by: regolith
Aww, they cancelled the rest of today's class cuz it wasn't working, so now I have to do work. :\


2002-12-04 12:05:56
by: regolith
Some freezing rain is starting to come down, so they're telling us all to go home by 2:00... boo-hoo!


2002-12-05 10:34:42
by: apon

a lot of snow

even more snow

Cripes, that's a lot of snow! Can you believe my workplace is actually open as normal today? Pretty insane. Thankfully I got approval to work at home today. Yay VPN!


2002-12-05 14:10:22
by: regolith
Welp, just got back from lunch, and it was pretty good. Went to a something Mexicana Grill... Yummy burrito that I accidentally ordered with rice inside (meant a side of rice, but it was still good :) and some tortilla chips. Their burrito wrap things are freaky; they can stuff them with your toppings and the wrap just stretches and then they kinda roll it into a cylinder shape and wrap it with foil! 2 days ago I went to a Piccadilly Cafeteria and it totally suX0red. Had some chicken tetrazzini that didn't taste like any tatrazzini I've had before. Worse than the food at Brittain or Woodruff (non-gatech readers, think campus dining hall). Anyway, I'll probably be dividing my lunch dollar between that mexican place and the even-closer Panda Express. Either that, or I'll move between lunchtime eateries in an ever-increasing spiral until I get to the sushi place that's at the really scary intersection. Then I'll go backwards to the Panda Express and start the cycle over again!
