Monday, September 30th, 2002: Like Zorro, Only in Your Brain

Keepers of the Peace To current comic Best Friends

Technological Marvels
2002-09-30 00:50:39
by: regolith
Like Easy Cheese or Professor Xavier, the Gamecube I just got is awesome :)

I played a little Super Mario Sunshine and a lot of Pikmin, but the game that's taken the most hours of my burn-in period is Animal Crossing. It's a game about life... You see, just like in real life, when you need money, you should go around shaking trees until a bag of a hundred bells drops from one. You know those shiney spots you see in your neighborhood once a day? If you dig them up, you find money! If you plant the money back in the hole, it grows a fucking money tree! Also, bees are worth more than dinosaur bones (obviously, since they're harder to get). Didn't know that, huh!

I swear, it seems so pointless, and maybe it's just because my brain is dying, but while I'm playing at least, shaking trees is an addiction that can take up hours of night time when all the other smarteys in town have gone to sleep... The things that make the game worthwhile are the gyroids! They're little wooden/stone statues that wiggle and make noise. Also, I dug up a Mario statue. Bitchin', huh!

Well, I'm probably playing a bit too intensely. It seems more like you're supposed to pop in and read your mail in the morning, check out what events are going on, and pop back out after writing a couple letters to the townspeople. I'll have to learn moderation! But I'm in debt to Tom, and I need more furniture, so I must play some more! *sigh*
Parts Needed: 2
Shines: Uh, 2?
Blue Coins: Like 6, I guess...
Animal Xing
Town: Fanelia
Name: Rego
Send me Animal Crossing codes! I need stuff!


The title would make more sense if Justin knew what a rapier was
2002-09-30 07:27:05
by: apon

Here: text, pictures

In other news, my longtime friend pizza has become my foe, and even now struggles to violently free itself from my internal organs.

I'll be back to make fun of Justin for playing Animal Crossing when I'm feeling better.


Ah, now it all makes sense
2002-09-30 21:53:46
by: regolith
well... it would have been really odd if he was poking the guy's brain with a rapier... he'd have to hold it above his head or something! much easier to use a knife. :)


The hole didn't have to be in the top of his head
2002-10-01 15:52:24
by: apon

It could have been in the back, you know.


Remind me not to go outside...
2002-10-03 11:59:45
by: apon

