Monday, May 13th, 2002: Co Nomic

No Comic To current comic Tenshi na Konamaiki

Sweaty sweat-sweat!
2002-05-12 23:58:26
by: regolith
This bottle was acquired by apon when we went to a japanese grocery that was quite near his place of residence! He's the one who bought and drank it, so he should be the one to tell you whether it tasted like sweat (it didn't) or not (it didn't). The guys also liked the japanese girl behind the counter, but I was too absorbed in my decision not to buy the $3.00 Hello Kitty chopsticks and also thinking about the Pocky I had just gotten at the oriental grocery to notice anything much about her. After that, we went to the japanese bookstore, where I found a manga for Golden Boy, but it was about boxing and not Kentaro Oe. :(
I still have some Strawberry Pocky left, but the Original Pocky, Coconut Pocky, and Men's Pocky is all gone. :(
I need to find a place that sells Pocky in Atlanta now...


Giant Killer Bees
2002-05-13 00:52:06
by: apon

a shark on whiskey is mighty risky
a shark on beer is a beer engineer
