Monday, June 9th, 2003: The Healing Power of Saliva

Suffering Succotash!
06/09/03 01:23:42 AM
by: regolith - mood: normal
uh, made pizza again, fattening myself up. moving to new apt this coming weekend. can sleep at work until i have an internet connection, i guess. worked on my c# bittorrent client some more this weekend. now it makes files and reserves space for them. still have to figure out the async i/o stuff.



Is That The Pope?
06/09/03 03:53:20 PM
by: apon - mood: Default

So, I picked up Enter the Matrix last week for Xbox. And, well, it's not really all that great. To be fair, I purchased it mostly because I wanted to try out 1080i on my new TV (it looked a far sight better than the latest Dragon's Lair game), and it has accomplished that goal pretty well. On the down side, they took what could have been a really cool game, and made it an uninspired brawler. Instead of working to create the deep and complex fighting system that I would expect to recreat the fight scenes from the movie, instead we get basic button mashing. Really, there's not that much to do -- you can pound one attack button over and over to get a series of neat looking moves, or you can pound the other attack button over and over to get a different series of neat looking moves, or you can pound the fire button and shoot your gun a whole bunch. If you use focus while doing any of those, you get another whole set of neat looking, barely interactive moves. And that's pretty much it. The game's only real saving grace is the storyline (which intertwines with both Reloaded and Final Flight of the Osiris) and its associated cut scenes. Unless you are in it for the storyline aspects, I'd suggest you pass on EtM and pick up Buffy the Vampire Slayer instead. In fact, I recommend you pick up Buffy either way, as it has much deeper (and more fun) gameplay mechanics, and a decent story to boot.


06/09/03 05:29:29 PM
by: regolith - mood: happy
You mean, you didn't mean for the comic to be about spitting on the pope? *shrug* Coulda' fooled me...


I had a dream...
06/12/03 12:09:22 PM
by: regolith - mood: normal
That I was trying to sleep, but the radio came on, and no matter how hard I hit it, it wouldn't turn off. Then I found out that someone had plugged another radio in and hid it under my bed, but when I turned it off, NPR was still rambling about bloodshed in the middle east, and I couldn't sleep. Then I found out that someone had hidden a TV tuned to NPR under my bed, too. Then I woke up and found out that the maddening news coverage was just my clock radio, and I hadn't been woken up enough to actually turn it off for 20 minutes. Then I turned it off and was late for work. The end.


My Favorite is Named Banjo
06/12/03 02:34:00 PM
by: apon - mood: Default

We now have an about page, since our fans have been clamouring for one so. I thought Justin was going to move it to a more appropriate place and add an archives page, but maybe he'll get to that later. Enjoy!
