Monday, June 2nd, 2003: Warm Milk Makes Me Sleepy

06/01/03 11:26:27 PM
by: apon - mood: Default

So, I had a lovely weekend filled with watching TV, burning CDs, and unpacking, throwing away, and repacking. I think I've tossed out around 3 or 4 trash bags full of junk so far, and I have a couple of boxes worth of stuff to try to pawn off on eBay. There's a month and a half left before I move, so at this rate I should throw out another 30 bags worth of trash or something. Or not.

On the subject of TV distorting reality, how are we supposed to buy talking to your girlfriend on a cordless phone all night, then waking up the next morning and still being on the line? I think we all know that if you start talking at around 7pm, the phone's batteries will be dead by around 5am. (And obviously there's no way battery or phone technology could have improved since I was 17, so don't go giving me your wild speculation!)

Well, my insane UPS has decided that it doesn't have a battery again, and hence is wailing, so I'm going to stop writing now. Ta-ta!


06/03/03 02:29:12 PM
by: regolith - mood: normal
A couple months back, when my UPS would start wailing every week, I solved it by lightening the load on it... Maybe it was too overloaded for battery power but not so much as to turn the overload light on. *shrug*

Torrent stuff: Started looking at threading in .net, but it's more complex than I'd hoped. You can't reliably update form controls from threads other than the one that created them, so if some event goes off in another thread, you have to do some indirection to get it to run in the UI thread. Maybe it's not quite so strict and you can call repaint or something to get the main thread to paint again, but I tried changing the text on a text box from two threads and it crashed, so maybe not. I'm also looking at doing some kinda crazy asynchronous I/O type stuff instead of multithreaded synchronous. It doesn't remove all the problems of threading, since the end-of-operation callbacks may or may not execute in a non-UI thread, but maybe it solves deadlocking issues or something.


Calling All ATV2 Developers
06/04/03 11:47:36 AM
by: apon - mood: Default

If you were to tell me what the code to get 16:9 mode is, I would be most appreciative. Thanks.


06/05/03 03:46:54 PM
by: regolith - mood: pissed
I forgot to buy any manga with the rightstuf coupon...


06/05/03 05:03:19 PM
by: apon - mood: Default

Was going to post a reminder yesterday afternoon, but the DNS server at work was borked at the time, so I couldn't get here. I'd forgotten about it by the time I got home. (Thankfully, I remembered to make use of the coupon a couple of times at around 11:45 last night.)

On the topic of UPSes, the light lit on mine is the no battery (picture of a battery with an X through it), rather than overloaded (goofy looking see-saw). Not only is the battery in there, but it also works (kept things up through a quick outage, and passes the self-test whenever it runs). I have no clue what decides to make it go insane occassionally, but powering it off and then right back on fixes it.

Also, I feel much hatred for DB2 on AIX. Stupid IBM.
