Monday, May 5th, 2003: The Classics Never Die

Eat Matt Day #10 To current comic Handbag Made of Meat

Her pig farm was not what I expected it to be
2003-05-05 00:15:31
by: apon

This was originally an homage to You Can't Do That on Television, because of all of the Canadian television I've been watching this weekend. It's not really anymore, but I think it has its own charm.


You Can't Do That On The Internet!
2003-05-05 00:30:00
by: regolith
I think Matt was originally going for something like Nickelodeon's old You Can't Do That On Television... But I twisted it in my usual way...

Oh, my... Barth Burgers. *nostalgia*

p.s. Check out Barth's Burgery to d/l a few eps :)

Update: Forgot to hit Post, so I'm moving this post after Matt's


2003-05-05 14:17:58
by: regolith
I started working on an update to the DrF code that would let ranters have more than one available avatar and would also remember their avatar with the rant, making them more permanent. I'm going to call them moods, and we'll live together happily ever after.


2003-05-05 15:50:39
by: apon

So when I get ticked off and overreact and change my avatar to be blood, it doesn't instantly turn all of my avatars for all eternity to blood? Neato.


2003-05-05 15:55:13
by: apon

Now that I think about it, if we're doing it for avatars, maybe we should do it for links as well? I don't know, just something to think about.


2003-05-06 10:38:59
by: regolith
I am also thinking about doing it with links, but hadn't thought too hard on it. A probably suitable DB Schema for that just made itself known in my head, so I'll just jot it down and save it for the weekend. Unless weekend lethargy takes a greater than usual grip, at least the avatar saving thing should be done by monday. I have the DB side and the output side working on my home server, but there's no web way to set-up your own moods, so that'll be the chore this weekend.


New Thomas!
2003-05-07 09:17:24
by: regolith
Thomas updated his journal again... I couldn't read the May 1 and 2 episodes, but the later entries hint at more military joining type activities. *shrug* Maybe it'll all work out...


2003-05-07 14:18:05
by: apon

My day's been just lovely. For instance:

  • A 100% pure Java app works great on Windows but fails miserably on AIX. I have yet to discern a workaround. "Write once, run anywhere" my ass.
  • Domino R6 not only behaves inconsistently when compared to R5, its behavior also defies all logic. This makes it rather hard to run apps that require the Domino environment.
  • I can't find out what the real cause of a problem that was poorly described to me might be, as someone in a completely different place has turned off a database that needs to be up in order for me to figure out what's actually going on.

And yours?

On that other topic, the May 4th entry seems to imply that there weren't any entries between April 30th and then, so maybe you're not missing anything. (It does, however, beg the question as to why non-existant entries were linked.) Owel, at least Larry is being kind enough to keep the site online so that Thomas can provide for our continued entertainment.


Poo. *tee-hee*
2003-05-07 15:01:11
by: regolith
Well, my monday wasn't too good... Learned that my company isn't selling much of anything these days (this year), but that's not my fault. Hopefully I won't have to break my lease and move to florida with my parents (IOW be laid off) right after moving into my new apartment next month.

Anyway, the HR app I'm working on is advancing well enough, though there's now a deadline in a monthish, and it looks like I'll have just enough time to do what I need to do. And then it'll have to handle hundreds of people ;;_;;

Last night, I took a precious after-Smallville hour to work on the DrF code. Man, I can really tell that it was pretty much my first PHP work. I've got to pretty much redo the rant edit page, but that's not so bad... I'm thinking about somehow using the theme code to also do the rant editing, so the rant page can be themed too. But that'll be some future upgrade. It's far easier to use it hard-coded for now. The links-sections-being-perisistent code will be easier than the moods code, so both should be up for monday's comic.
