Monday, April 7th, 2003: Happiness is a Warm Scalp

White Ninja steals elftor's hat and acts saucy To current comic Meanwhile, back on earth...

DST Made Me Do It
2003-04-07 16:12:28
by: regolith
Since Matt wasn't able to send in a DST comic for today, I figured I should just shave my head instead. See the lengths I go to for you, our wonderful readers?


Elftor Updated!
2003-04-07 22:43:30
by: regolith


So many typos
2003-04-08 14:09:10
by: apon

If I didn't have to get other people to do everything because they're in charge of it, things would be much simpler. Things would also be simpler if I had not made typos in the ini files in the first place.


Checking in...
2003-04-10 15:16:17
by: apon

Things are going reasonably well. There seems to be a bit of confusion on what exactly the schedule is. I am very tired. Justin will probably have to come up with another comic on his own for tomorrow. Hopefully we won't see before and after pictures of him shaving anything else. Bye.


2003-04-10 16:36:22
by: apon

I hate having to rely on other people. Just give me all of the stupid administrator/root passwords and a machine that can reach everything, and I'll have it done in a few minutes.


Please Stand By...
2003-04-11 02:16:12
by: regolith
Not gonna be able to finish this thing tonight, but I'm crazy, so this'll be up someday soon. Unless I get to be sane again.


Comic-y Goodness????
2003-04-12 15:58:09
by: apon

Where is it? :-(


... I got better.
2003-04-12 21:37:33
by: regolith
Whoops, gotta think of something else, what I was doing was a complete waste of time...
