Friday, March 21st, 2003: White Ninja is a fair tyrant

And the Moral of the Story Is... To current comic Test of Humanity

Yes, Tyrant!
2003-03-21 09:17:39
by: regolith
So I stopped drawing and went to sleep. Then I woke up an hour late and rushed into work on what was supposed to be my day off, so I could possibly present the crap I've made to someone to maybe sell it to them at some later time. myeh.

I've been e-reading this Bio of a Space Tyrant series from Piers Anthony. I've liked it--a little too much, maybe--so I'm glad I'm on the last book. I want to delve into my pirate copy of Dune: The Butlerian Jihad, but the space tyrant series has been keeping me captive :)

Owel, at least for now, I have to look into outputting forms that look like the real government forms with information written on them from my program.


2003-03-21 11:43:17
by: regolith
Well, it turns out to be refreshingly easy to spit data to Acrobat in fdf or xfdf format and have it come out on these happy pre-made government pdf forms, so we're going to try to postpone the demo until next week, giving me time to make a demo form or four. Looks like I'll have to demo to the senior management here today instead :\


2003-03-21 15:03:31
by: apon

So my travel plans for going to Phoenix at the end of the month have been made. With luck, Patrick will have a more forgiving work schedule this time around and I'll have somebody to hang out with when I'm not at work. Maybe I'll see about visiting my Aunt and her family at some point during the trip too.

Work slogs on as work can. Trying desperately to get everything accomplished by the deadline, which means really long hours. I think I'm going to take tomorrow (and maybe Sunday) off though, in order to take care of a bunch of stuff that I've been neglecting and to just get some rest. Hopefully I can avoid making myself sick with a little bit of rest.

Anyway, it's back to work for me so I can accomplish as much as possible today...


2003-03-21 15:09:39
by: apon

Just in case you didn't alredy know, tonight is the series finale of Farscape. You are hereby obligated to watch it. (And then never watch SciFi again in protest for there not being a season 5.)


Damn Cookies of Fate
2003-03-21 16:25:10
by: regolith
What's Farscape?!?! (I guess I can watch it... what time?)

I guess I have to eat the same sour cookies this weekend that Matt did last weekend (no, I'm not eating his feces, jerk)... I'll be working this weekend, only from the comfort of my home full of dogs and noisy humans and heat. The office is probably better, but I bet they turn the AC off or something on the weekends.


An Open Letter to SciFi
2003-03-21 21:00:22
by: apon

Dear SciFi,

Fuck you. If you let it end like this, I'm never watching your network again. Ever.


Duuuh, To Be Continued!
2003-03-21 22:12:41
by: regolith
  1. Jump into ocean instead of hugging each other
  2. Get missed by death beam
  3. Don't get turned into glass giblets!

Also, what was with the crates marked "PSOne" on John Doe??? Owel, I will never know the answers to these and many other questions.
