Monday, March 17th, 2003: And the Moral of the Story Is...

Joining the Army?  Really? To current comic White Ninja is a fair tyrant

Don't Swallow Your Gum.
2003-03-17 00:06:27
by: regolith
Don't ask me, I didn't write it... I think Matt has something against cookies. Scrumptious cookies. Oddly enough, I ate some Girl Scout Thin Mints cookies today and suffered horrible pain and had to crap and stuff. *shrug* Maybe there is something to this cookie-hating thing.

Random purchase at the grocery store: Rice Dream, a substitute for evil cow milk, made of glorious rice! My impressions: It has no smell, tastes a whole lot like rice and must have extra super-mucus enzymes inside, because my mucus flowed like a magical snot river into my lungs. On the plus side, it hasn't caused the gas and cramps that normal milk does. Owel, if I ever eat cereal again, I would probably use this stuff instead of milf.


The Death of Me...
2003-03-17 08:35:40
by: apon

Cookies are evil. Evil evil evil. They compell you to eat them without thinking about it, and before you know it you've eaten a few and they're trying to claw their way out from inside of you. It's unpleasant. I think, just as Justin has, the rest of you will come around to the way of cookie hating. You know you want to.

Also, should you already be fatigued, I don't recommend a heavy workout to try to counteract the effects of evil cookies. On the plus side, I don't feel nearly so much like I'm going to die today, just exhausted.

I've found soy milk to be less disgusting than rice milk, though I don't think very highly of either. Then again, I won't drink that hideous bovine lactose straight very often either; usually I'll only put it on cereal or use it in cooking. In any case, I think we can all agree that Justin's lactose intolerance is hilarious.


Food for Thought
2003-03-17 08:53:48
by: apon

An interesting read from Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel.


2003-03-17 09:31:49
by: regolith
Thomas managed to get himself out of that jam, so now we'll have more boredatheist journal goodness forever and ever and ever!

I tried a new way into work today, one that doesn't include I-75, and it was pretty nice. Instead of 5 lanes of stop and go traffic, there were only 2! Anyway, I feel much calmer and saner for me to drive on roads with stoplights.

Hmm, soy milk... I suppose I should try that stuff, too. For dipping my cookies in!


2003-03-17 11:27:31
by: apon

No new resolution. A speech from Bush tonight. It looks like we'll be at war by the end of the week.

The markets are also reacting favorably. With luck things will be over with swiftly, and with the geopolitical instability minimized the economy will start to recover at a more rapid pace.

Forever and ever until he runs out of money and people to leech food / shelter / bandwidth from, anyway. Or maybe he'll have finally reduced his level of apathy to the point where he can accomplish something by then. Anyway, I suppose Thomas the Bum == entertainment for you and me, so we can't go hoping for him to improve his life too much.


2003-03-17 14:32:13
by: regolith
oh, did we tell you? that internal application you've been working on, we're going to try to sell it to other people, starting tomorrow.


A plea...
2003-03-18 11:48:02
by: regolith
Emi-chan, please pick up the pace of the plot(hole) some, hmmkay?


Speaking of plots...
2003-03-18 14:46:50
by: apon

What ever happened to that thing we were working on? If I survive this deadline, we're going to have to start in on that again.


Plot, Shmot!
2003-03-18 15:48:51
by: regolith
I seem to be somewhat more competent at drawing stuff now, so I guess we should. I'll be taking friday off, so I can relax and come up with some more ideas for it then.

In hair news, mine sucks. It's always growing, but not in certain areas, so it looks stupid, and I'm thinking about just getting rid of it all. Well, just the stuff on my scalp, but... I promise a before and after picture if I do. ;)


I need a break...
2003-03-19 15:13:48
by: apon

If you write code, and your function name isn't completely and totally descriptive beyond a shadow of a doubt, and you can't even be bothered to write a frelling descriptive comment at the top of the function, you deserve to be skinned alive, at a minimum.


...maybe not
2003-03-19 15:15:23
by: regolith
Seems like we'll be presenting the stuff I've done to a customer on friday, so it looks like I might have to pick some other day to be off. The parts that I claimed would work on wednesday actually do work now, but someone still needs to set it all up on a webserver... I guess that takes a backseat to actually trying to get it demoable enough to get some investment, though.


Damn you, brain!
2003-03-20 10:33:00
by: apon

My brain has absolutely refused to work this morning. So I gave in and bought a doughnut and a 16oz Cherry Coke. I suspect I will end up paying for this lack of judgement in the not too distant future.


Again with the eating!
2003-03-20 15:53:03
by: regolith
I crashed shortly after lunch and fell asleep... Had to eat a large Rice Krispies Treat to stay awake. Only 60 cents!


2003-03-20 20:47:58
by: regolith
I'm not feeling especially comic after my day of exhaustedly binding together a yucky old application with my beautiful new application just so the friday demo, that have to postpone my vacation day for, might be rescheduled to let me drag my crappy week into next week, too. I guess that means that Matt will be eaten...
