Monday, March 10th, 2003: White Ninja is stuck on Hoth

Much Better Than Reese's To current comic Joining the Army?  Really?

2003-03-10 00:32:26
by: regolith
When will it end?


2003-03-10 09:48:16
by: apon

On a whim I checked out d+pad today, and it turns out Joe's not dead afterall. Who'd have guessed? Anyway. Did anybody else think that last night's Dead Zone was a bit of a disappointment after how good the one the week before was? It wasn't bad or anything, just not on the same level, I guess. Thanks be to Justin for both the wonderful script and art this time around, as I was too tired last night to deliver the funny that we're so famous for. Also, somebody who said they planned to email me this weekend appears not to have, so I guess that means that I should write them a note or something. Plus, I owe another somebody an actual paper letter. Which I meant to send like two weeks ago. And I'll be going to Phoenix sometime near the end of this month. Plus lots of other stuff. Somebody invent something that makes it so I don't need sleep anymore. Please?


Taken Care Of
2003-03-10 10:57:34
by: regolith
Just pretend you have narcolepsy.

Anyway, I'm at work and stuff, and I guess I need to find the programming groove I was just getting into last week, when I was knocked out of it to move stuff. Figures that when I get down to really working, I have to do something else and forget everything I was doing...

Lunch today is a turkey and swiss and mayo on white (guess I need some lettuce and tomatoes) and some carrots and some girl scout cookies (Samoas, the queens of sugarland).


2003-03-10 12:26:16
by: apon

Some days it doesn't feel like I need to pretend! I'd like to see some more extensive research first, though. As you may recall from the semester with games class (and the thousand other classes I was taking), I'm not always the most friendly person when I'm getting next to no sleep.

I have to agree that distractions when you're trying to be productive are a pain in the ass. If it weren't for all of these people, I'd get a lot more done.

Mayo is evil. Full of fat and cholesterol and other tasty goodies horrible bad things. I have a nice new jar of the stuff in the cupboard begging me to open it, but then I would have to cook some of that bacon that's also so evil, and put it on bread with evil cheese and (not evil) lettuce and tomato. And that couldn't lead to anything good. In conclusion, give me some girl scout cookies. (Or tell your sister to sell me some, assuming that's where you got them. Whatever.) Not that it would be in my best interest to have them...


Too Late
2003-03-10 18:37:41
by: regolith
My sister, no longer being a girl scout, has no cookies to sell you. Since the preordering is all done with, you'll have to buy yours on the collectible cookie black market (try at a Walmart entrance?)...

In stupid TV news, it seems like Everwood, Gilmore Girls, and Smallville are all tuckered-out after their sweeps week, as another week of reruns seems be be in store. The Dead Zone is all that keeps me watching...

Also, I made some tiny updates to the rant posting UI. I'd say they were a long time in coming, but we never made so many damn rants until just recently, so we didn't need the added convenience of links that moved your view to where it needs to be for you. *shrug*


2003-03-11 08:54:24
by: apon

New rant UI changes are nice. Now you just need to add anchors so that we can link to specific rants (and so that it can jump to the proper rant when you hit the Preview button).

Hmm, no convenient cookies. Well, you could just sell me your sister -- she can cook, right? I guess you should probably add some flour and other cookie-making ingredients to that list, since I don't really have baking stuff at home.

TV worth watching with new eps airing this month: Miracles, 24 (when it's not being pre-empted by that worthless American Idol), The Shield, Angel, Farscape (well, this week is the last ep), John Doe, Futurama, Alias, The Dead Zone. So it's not all bad.

Umm, yeah, anyway, I should probably be working instead of ranting...


Somebody Shoot Me
2003-03-11 11:05:47
by: apon

As I wait an eternity for the project's entire Java codebase to compile, I'd just like to say: Stop fucking snowing already! It's the middle of March, for christ's sake!


2003-03-11 13:43:58
by: apon

Unless some evil person at a remote location thinks of a way to break things, the back end is in a rather happy state!


That's Better
2003-03-11 14:25:41
by: apon

It got tired of snowing and decided to be sunny and look like it had never snowed instead. That's much better, really.


2003-03-12 15:27:57
by: apon

This isn't nearly so entertaining for me if I'm the only one ranting...


2003-03-13 09:15:44
by: regolith
I was hoping the convenienter ranting UI would get me to rant a little more, but I guess not... I've mostly been trying to stay awake at work these past few days. I've got to get a milestone done on my project by the end of the week, and I'm feeling pretty good today. Traffic was oddly easy coming to work this morning. I left 15 minutes earlier yesterday and got there 10 minutes later than I did today!

Remember, Matt, comic script tonight!


Evil Work
2003-03-13 15:33:27
by: regolith
Tomorrow I present my work to El Presidente! El Presidente will surely ask me for time estimates and such! crap!


(Somewhat Evil) Work
2003-03-13 16:57:04
by: apon

Things have gone from 'I'm so completely screwed' to 'I'm somewhat less screwed.' This pleases me to some degree. I'll still be here all weekend though.

I remember that I need to write a script; I just hope I actually get to it...
