Friday, March 7th, 2003: Much Better Than Reese's

Token Political Cartoon To current comic White Ninja is stuck on Hoth

2003-03-07 00:02:49
by: regolith
Another satirical gem from Matt (place all blame on him).

Friday I'll be at work setting up computers and the network again. So sleepy...

The comic crossover was delayed by at least a day because I put the wrong nameservers into the... thing somehow. *shrug* Dunno how I got it wrong, but everyone who reads it, besides me, seemed to have it cached, so they had no problem reading the old one thursday. hopefully the entries will be correctly propogated today.


2003-03-07 09:19:51
by: apon

Justin made some changes last night so that images would show up at the alternate URL for the new host, but now that the nameservers have updated, it looks like images are broken when going to the main URL. If you're having problems, try taking a look at, which should be okay. The forum is also broken, but I don't know if we're going to fix that or not, seeing as nobody ever used it.


Not B0rked Enough!
2003-03-07 16:31:03
by: regolith
The nameserver at work hasn't changed. It just returns SERVFAIL, so I guess it's afraid to go get the real address. I'll have to check out the image problem when I get home... Thought I had it set so that it'd do the right thing from either direction.

Today they brought most of the furniture in and we plugged the computers in and put them on the network... and ate schlotszki's sandwiches. I'm happy the weekend is quite imminent.


2003-03-08 00:32:29
by: regolith
ungh. bedtime, methinks.


2003-03-08 09:57:06
by: apon

It's Saturday, and I'm here. Yay. I need more hours in the day or the ability to sleep less or something. Ugh.


I hate you, Gearhost
2003-03-08 12:08:55
by: apon

So I logged into my webmail account on Gearhost, so that I could forward any mail I wanted to keep to the new host (easier than figuring out how to pop it or something). So I go through and forward all of the mail I want to keep, and 2 minutes later it shows up back in my Gearhost mailbox! Arg! [email protected] doesn't resolve to Gearhost anymore, so WTF do they think they're doing? *sigh* I guess Justin needs to post instructions for using a pop3 client to get mail from Gearhost, so that I can salvage this stuff...


work again
2003-03-09 11:16:41
by: apon

It's Sunday, and I'm here again. Yay. I need more hours in the day or the ability to sleep less or something. Ugh. Hopefully I'll find the time and inspiration necessary to get Justin a new script so that he can work on the comic before tonight's new Dead Zone.


2003-03-09 14:57:14
by: regolith
The forum is back...
