Monday, March 3rd, 2003: Token Political Cartoon

Hot Gay Ape on Ape Action To current comic Much Better Than Reese's

2003-03-03 00:18:54
by: regolith
Tried uploading via web interface (which hasn't worked in weeks) and tried uploading with 2 ftp clients, but it doesn't work! damn damn damn!


2003-03-03 08:12:31
by: regolith
Got up this morning and ftp works again.


2003-03-03 10:03:39
by: apon

I think it's obvious that I did my taxes this weekened. Not to worry though, my weekend managed to suck in several other ways as well! Maybe I'll come back later and tell you about them.


Thanks, Gearhost
2003-03-03 11:29:23
by: apon

Well, it appears that Gearhost installed a new webmail app on their servers over the weekend. And it appears that the primary feature of this new webmail app is not allowing you to log in. Thanks a lot, guys!


2003-03-03 13:30:43
by: apon

So we found out today that we are supposed to begin testing something today. I'm so happy for the advance notice on that. Combined with the big deadline at the end of the month, things aren't looking so fun this month.


2003-03-03 14:58:39
by: regolith
That was a gooood Dead Zone last night... yeah.

I can log in on just fine... It must be you, silly hu-man!

This morning, I had to go remove six computers from this classroom. It seems that the computers were on for two weeks with the door shut and climate control off, so it was like 90 degrees in there. That was so fun.

Trying to keep myself awake to work on my app. Only three hours until I go home... The sun was higher in the sky than usual this morning. Presumably it rose earlier. I wonder when it got that way. Maybe it will go down earlier today, too, and I can drive home in inky blackness. Oh, well... three hours...


Mars 9
2003-03-03 21:49:07
by: apon

Contrary to Justin's supposition (which, I admit, I shared), Mars 9 did not have negative effects on my well-being. As a matter of fact, when I got done reading I just had a big smile on my face. I really have no idea where the story is going to go from here, but it really needs to hurry up and be May 13th already!

On the down side, this was the first volume of Mars I'd read on its own, and, man, it went by incredibly quickly. Also unfortunate is the fact this is the last volume I had on pre-order with Right Stuf. Somebody had better have a nice sale on manga before the next volume gets released!


2003-03-04 12:24:32
by: apon

I might be giving a demo and presentation of my project to a vendor that's coming in at around 2:00pm. I found out about this roughly 20 minutes ago. I hope I know what I'm getting into...


*fade from black*
2003-03-04 14:40:01
by: DuckPuppy
Well, I've begun actually using the Web again (it's amazing what working on network code can do to a traumatized brain), and I've finally caught up on my webcomic backlog...


It's been raining here for like a week now, which is some kind of record or sign of the end or something. It's amazing how quickly the streets flood in Phoenix when it rains... it takes, like, half an hour of a light shower to make the main streets completely flooded. Plus, Phoenicians in the rain are like Georgians in snow, only more dangerous.

On the plus side, I saw NO SNOW at all this year. Except on TV news, where they were making fun of everyone who was getting snow and we weren't, on a daily basis. That's the way we do it here.

I've got to find a new icon... I'm not french OR a mouse. Though I do like Disney...


Hello There!
2003-03-04 15:23:16
by: apon

I just found out that Justin works for a dairy company in Missouri! Shh, it's a secret!

Anyway, I'm sitting around waiting for them to call me if they want me to do that presentation and demo (I guess they might not), so I haven't been especially productive this afternoon. On the plus side, I can verify that Patrick is, in fact, a French mouse. Truth be told, he's the sole reason behind EuroDisney's spectacular failure!

At leas the snow's started to melt. :-(


2003-03-04 20:19:31
by: regolith
The steps to my actions today are thus:
  1. My company is sub-leasing office space from company B.
  2. Company B can't pay its lease and loses it.
  3. I move computers and really heavy executive office furniture onto trucks for ~12 hrs today.
Tomorrow I get to move the stuff off the trucks and into both storage and a temporary office space. SuX0r.

In comic news, I'm looking for a new webhost since gearhost is so damn flaky. Think I found one, but I need some less-than-12-hour work days to do backup, ordering new site, fixing dns, uploading the comic and cancelling the old site.

owel, I'm gonna try to amuse myself somehow and then pass out.


Part Ni
2003-03-05 19:20:51
by: regolith
Welp, I guess it was slightly easier today, when we took all the stuff back off the trucks and into storage and the new temp office. Everybody else has the next couple days off, but Tyrone and I have to come in and set up the computers and network (while the building staff paint the rooms and bring in furniture)... I'll get the two days back some other time, though :)

In other news, Sara's birthday is tonight, and now she's 13. She's been practicing being an ornery teenager for years, so I think she's ready.


Movin' On...
2003-03-05 23:33:28
by: regolith
Awright, wishing gearhost dead, I signed up for hosting with HostingMatters. It's a Lunix server! I've already changed the nameservers since it'll take a day to propomegate... It may or may not have all the pages and stuff on there when the DNS snaps into line.


2003-03-06 00:03:27
by: regolith
I guess I should set up email and stuff while I can still receive it.


2003-03-06 20:20:27
by: regolith
Welp, if you see this message, you're synched to the new host. I had the nameservers set wrong with my domain name provider, so if you couldn't reach the site at all (I couldn't, at work), that's why. Matt has given me the script for tomorrow, and it will probably kill me to draw even that little bit... owel
