Monday, February 17th, 2003: D.S.T. Made the Snow Tired

Kyoko Makes It All Better To current comic Eat Matt Day #8

So Much Snow!
2003-02-17 08:28:28
by: apon

They even cancelled work today. Which is nice, since instead of my car, all I see now is a white lump. And it's still snowing!


2003-02-17 08:29:01
by: regolith
Oh, it's a federal holiday, so I have the day off... whee! Now I guess I can get to playing Zelda:Ocarina of Time. (only a $15 deposit at Best Buy!)

Lessee... This weekend, besides zelda, I bought some shirts and pants from Goody's. They had some kinda rock-bottom sale where the shirts were only $6-$10. We got a family dvd-player (toshiba sd-1800) to replace the one that died. I got a cheesy kung-fu movie (The Duel) and require more (The Storm Riders).

Damn, I guess this adds another day to when my case is going to ship...


2003-02-18 10:14:52
by: regolith
Ok, so we don't have federal holidays off and I should've been here yesterday... guess I took my first vacation day since my 90-day introductory period :)

The cable connection at home has been so horrible the past couple days! We called them last night, and I think they said they'd have a technician out today sometime(!) in a twelve-hour window...

Anyway, got past the first part in Zelda:OOT, yay. The trick is to light your stick on fire with the tall braziers and use it to burn the cobwebs and light the torches. *end spoiler*

ooh, just learned that my scanjet shipped, but my case still has not........... *sigh* I'll call them tomorrow.


Mozilla 3.01Gold!
2003-02-18 11:27:16
by: regolith
Seems our new firewall's content filtering changes the user-agent to say it's netscape 3.01 gold on a 68K mac, thus breaking certain websites that rely on the string. :\

So we took off the content filtering, nyan. :3


2003-02-18 11:57:15
by: apon

Work wasn't cancelled today. I'm of the opinion it should have been, but oh well. Only one other person in my department / organization below VP level is actually here today, so I'm thinking this might be a short day. (Frankly, I have no idea if the VP level or above people are here or not.)

Anyway, it took me about 75 minutes to dig my car out this morning. The total accumulation of snow was in the range of 2 feet. Not so pretty. The first time I thought I was done digging the car out (after about an hour of flinging snow every which way) I couldn't get any traction, so then I got to spend some fun time busting through the ice that had formed around my wheels. Not the most fun I've had, but at least I didn't injure myself too badly (lost a chunk of skin off of one finger, but didn't even notice it until I was on my way driving to work). I think I'm going to skip my workout for this evening though; this constituted at least as much effort as I put into those.

So my Dad ended up calling me last night, and I missed the second half of Everwood. I'm not upset that he called or anything, it was nice to talk to him, but I really would've liked to have seen the end of the show. I could tell from the bits I caught with the sound off that Ephram screwed things up with Laney again, but I have no clue how badly or what the heck happened with the whole skeleton thing. Or what, if anything, happened with the whole Amy thing this week. Hopefully SD-6 will have the SVCD out quickly, so that I can get caught up. On the plus side, it looks like Miracles was preempted by another worthless Micheal Jackson special, so I didn't miss out on anything there.

As for Justin's rants -- Hahaha. It's pretty hilarious that you just skipped work. Why the heck would you think you get federal holidays off for a non-government job? You're lucky that they're sending a technician so quickly; it took a good 10 days or so before Comcast bothered to send one when I was having problems last time. Please don't spoil Z:OOT too much here; I've only played the first little bit on N64, and I'm planning to give it a full go on GC at some point. Use the magical spoiler tags if you want to spoil stuff please! You should call the people today; you're being too accomodating of what is obviously a crappy store. And thank you for aswering the Netscape 3 / 68k question before I could even ask it.

Bah. I'm feeling anxious over stuff that I have no way to control or influence, and it's making me fidgety. I need to quit being so silly about things.


2003-02-18 15:26:18
by: regolith
finally got an email notice that my memory order was cancelled correctly (they sent the notice today). won't call case guys b/c I haven't given them a full 24-48 business hours to do their thing. tomorrow afternoonish, we'll see... your spoiler tag takes too much work, so I'll just say that Everwood managed to make things funny and touching like they always do. there.


2003-02-18 19:40:29
by: apon

My spoiler tag isn't too tough; just add the <style> tag, then add a <span> tag for each instance of the spoiler. It's possible there's an easier and / or better way to do it, but I just stole this from the Shack because I liked the way theirs worked. Anyway, yours is fine, I just want things to be hidden a little so I don't look at them inadvertantly.

I just discovered today that Mars 9 is out already. When Justin mentioned its possible negative effects on me the other day, I thought it was just conjecture on his part, but I guess he already has it. Hurry up, Right Stuf!

Bah, now I'm anxious and I have to come up with things to say about myself that aren't self-deprecating. This should be an interesting challenge.

Anyway, it's almost time for Buffy, 24, and the Shield, so I'm going to go prop myself in front of the TV for a while. Maybe I'll use the commercial breaks to do some more work on that upcoming project we mentioned a while ago; I think Justin and I probably need to have a powwow on that topic at some point.

BTW, aren't Justin's drawings getting prettier? I think he might be doing that 'draw every day' silliness that Gabu is so fond of recommending.



The Drawing of the Three
2003-02-19 13:20:22
by: regolith

I don't have Mars 9 yet, but it's on order... I only believe it has possible negative effects, because I read the next volume preview at the end of vol 8 :) They still haven't shipped it to me yet, either.

Since they were having something of a sale, I ordered the first Macross mini-box from AnimEigo, and it'll be here tomorrow. I guess I have a weakness for those macross missiles :) We'll see if I buy the rest...

My drawing every day habit really did last for only a short while. I haven't drawn anything since monday's comic... I did try something amazing called "shading" this time, though. I think it came out okay. I wonder if Patrick pours the green tea on his cactus friend and pretends it's drinking it... :)

didn't sleep well last night, and the DS9 book series I've been reading is pretty sucky so far. bleh. maybe tonight I can actually watch some of the stuff I've been downloading the past few days. speaking of which, I could only get like half the .rars for the valentine's day everwood... *pout*

er, I think I'm supposed to be working, so i'll sign off for today.


That reminds me...
2003-02-19 14:59:26
by: apon

...I really need to read the fourth book in the Dark Tower series. Well, I probably ought to start back at the beginning and read the first three books through before starting on it. It's been so long since I read them originally that I only remember bits and pieces. Supposedly books 5 and 6 will be out at the end of this year, and book 7 early next year, but I don't really believe that.

As for Tokyopop manga, I stopped reading the previews and summaries after having read one of each for ParaKiss. The damn things were completely misleading, and really poorly written to boot. I think I prefer to avoid foreknowledge of events in serial media in general anyway; I've been avoiding the next episode previews for most TV shows I watch for the past season or two as well.

I don't know what this whole "shading" thing is, but the comic looks pretty! Frankly, I wonder why I had to waste all those hours over the years in art class in elementary school if they weren't even going to bother teaching us the basics.

As for Patrick, I'm sure he does! This has also prompted me to remember that I told him that I would send him copies of my Tick VCDs and add him to my friends list on Xbox Live like a month ago or something. I, of course, have done neither of those things. If he still read the comic, I'd admonish him to bug me more often on ICQ, but I guess since I haven't seen his IP pop up in the logs for a while I'll just have to try to remember on my own. (Speaking of forgetting, I was also supposed to send Paul a package by Monday, but I'm blaming that delay on the snow storm.)

Oh yeah, Justin is also supposed to add Patrick to his Xbox Live friends list. And we all need to get together and play MechAssault sometime, dammit! And perhaps some NWN as well! (Plus, I still have that SOS9 part for Justin. He must bug me about it on ICQ!)

Speaking of downloading, I've been doing so like crazy lately. I've almost finished off Haibane Renmae, Ayashi no Ceres, and GTO recently. This is on top of my usual downloads of many SVCDs of recent US shows and DivXs of several currently airing anime shows. Combined with Hank's recent lack of news access, I'm becoming a bit overburdened (I've had to renew my Easynews account twice this month, and I've forced myself to skip over the recent postings of Good Eats in abm). I need to work out some nice reciprocal exchange deals with some friends so that I can reduce my burden a bit.

Oh, and as for the V-Day Everwood, I've got it covered. I probably already extracted it, but the full ep can be transferred either by FTP or mail.

Well, there's lots more I could write about, but I have way too many other things that I need to get accomplished. Don't forget that you, our many fans, can always get in touch via the forums or the fancy email links at the bottom of our rants!


2003-02-20 09:26:43
by: regolith
They shipped my case by Fedex (ground, bleh), so after ordering some memory, I should have a whole computer by wednesday :)

I reread the dark tower series a few months ago, and it was quite... long. I'll get the rest of the books, but I think I can hold out for the paperbacks.

Xbox Live: My xbox is in my room, and it plays DVDs for me, and it doesn't have an internet connection :\ Maybe now that I've got a second computer and have ordered a Sharp Zaurus I'll do some kind of wireless network thing or run wires to my room (not stepping through the ceiling this time). The seemingly lax security of 802.11b makes me hesitant to jump in, though.

I got one of those episodes of Good Eats (fruitcake) and was amused to see that it was taped here in GA, but it's not a drama about food, so my food-drama-liking sense was turned off. The Iron Wok Jan manga, while meeting my drama requirements, seems a little too much like good old Cooking Master Boy to be a comfortable read, so I dunno if I'll keep buying it :(

More database design today, and it seems like I have to get something working by the end of the month, or some crazy date like that, so I guess I should do work now.


2003-02-20 14:56:48
by: regolith
Okay, I don't have a temperature analysis device, but I can tell it's too damn warm in here. can't... stay... awake...

Took a little walk outside and that revived me, but when I came in past the lobby, this wall of warmth covered me, and now, sitting at my desk, it's like a smothering blanket saying, "sleep, justin... sleeeeeep..."

maybe I can work outside or something...


Spilly McWatercup
2003-02-20 15:08:30
by: regolith
Just accidentally spilled some ice water on myself. I think it will have boiled off shortly. ;;_;;

Certainly woke me up long enough to write a message about it!
