Friday, February 14th, 2003: Kyoko Makes It All Better

I Would've Liked to Watch More Than the First 13 Minutes To current comic D.S.T. Made the Snow Tired

Blessed Continuity
2003-02-14 01:00:34
by: regolith
For those with no time to remember the previous comics we reference in our comics, this one has the same main character as Fukakyon Strikes Again. I myself can't remember if she struck before that one, so I'll leave that as a treasure hunt for my treasured readers!

Going to bed late tonight, so tomorrow promises to be horrible. Luckily, everyone seems to leave early on friday, so that means I get to, too! As long as a tree doesn't crash into me and a fire hydrant doesn't explode nearby and a 23cm gas main doesn't rupture (happened thursday, don't have a link), I'll be happily passed out after a small valentine's day celebration with Kyoko.

One last edit, I got php to print its error messages when trying to upload the comic, and it's having trouble with the response the ftp server sends back: "125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting." This is the same as what it sends me when I'm using an ftp client, so it's not an error or anything. Guess it's PHP's fault. Found out that GH upgraded some stuff last thursday and that's what broke stuff here. Gonna hope it gets unbroken somehow, or we might just move away. Anyway, strength draining from my tiny sublimbs that hit the keys, so g'night.


2003-02-14 01:15:23
by: apon

Truth is, this is better than the uninspired drivel that was my script.


2003-02-14 13:29:08
by: regolith
Just had a conversation with "Keith" at after waiting on hold for 28 minutes. He says my order hasn't shipped (duh) and he's marking it as high-priority. Wanting to be forgiving (because, after all, I was the idiot who ordered from them in the first place), I said OK, and now I should receive a shipping confirmation and tracking number within 24-48 business hours. --Wait, business HOURS? That's like 3-6 business days! (let's hope he meant 1-2 business days) Anyway, I'm just going to call these companies' 800-numbers first, instead of waiting a couple days for them to not answer my email (I got a reply email a few days after I cancelled my tablet order with Harmony, saying it'd be like 10 more days until they had any in stock). Still no order cancellation confirmation from (the memory), but I'm pretty sure it was cancelled, since there was no charge to my card. I wonder if I should now try to order a new monitor, mouse, keyboard, digicam, etc. online.

I got some preferred customer coupons for Best Buy this weekend (including 10% off video games now!), so I'll probably go there. Dunno what I'll buy, though. Maybe a dvd-recorder or player or a plasma TV or pop music. Yeah, pop music...


2003-02-14 14:17:28
by: apon

I have a lot of hatred for javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils right now. Or maybe it's java.util.Hashtable. In either case, these values that are clearly Strings cannot be cast to Strings when I remove them from the hash table, and it's driving me positively insane.

You should order most things online! It's usually substantially cheaper, especially if you don't need things right away and can wait for deals and coupons to pop up.

As for Best Buy, I was not preferred this time around. It's like they're alternating between sets of customers to get the coupons or something. 10% off video games is never that great a coupon though -- you save as much on $50 games with the $5 off $20 coupons, and much more on lower priced games. (Frankly, my backlog of games to play has gotten so large that I doubt I'll be picking anything up at the full $50 price point for quite some time.) As for DVD recorders, I haven't seen anything but nasty DVD+R drives in Best Buy for quite some time, and even with a 10% off coupon they're badly overpriced. If you're thinking of picking up a DVD Player, make sure to check out VCDHelp's compatibility listings first to make sure the player will play VCD/SVCD/DVD-R/DVD-RW first. You'll also probably want to check prices online, since Amazon and others will often beat even a discounted Best Buy price. You can probably get a better deal on a plasma monitor from Dell with a nice coupon, but plasma is out of most people's price range anyway. Which pop music? You can probably get a better deal on most of it through Columbia House or BMG. The rest you're usually better off waiting for Circuit City to have one of their sales where all CDs are $9.99.


2003-02-14 15:54:12
by: regolith
Actually, I did get the coupons last time, too, but they were lost in a pile of mail for a month or something. Blame dad.

I'm not going to buy anything this weekend, really... though trying out prospective keyboards and mice in person is nice. If they have some cheap dvds (before the 10%), I might buy up to 5 of them, but the pop music, plasma tv, and dvd-r were all red herrings!

anyway, I am obviously a prophet, because we're all leaving an hour early today. Cya next weekish. Or this weekend if you miss me too much.
